Parcel Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil


the Island Folk


The modern Parcel can trace their lineage back to the days the the Capedian reigned over the western seas. Their colonies spread from island to island out from the mainland, claiming each as their own, often enslaving and displacing the original natives of those islands. Now, two millennia since, the Parcel still holds roots to the ancient Human civilization that spawned them. It is their cultural view that they are the carriers of the lost traditions and bloodlines of Old Capedo.

Bloodline is all important to the Parcel. Even the lowest commoner fisherman can trace family lines back to the original Capedian ‘settlers.’ To them, taking a spouse from another culture would muddy the blood, and those who take a non-Parcel spouse are often shunned from their communities. Arranged marriage is the norm, with men from all social classes contracting out their daughters to leverage power for their house. Banishment is common for any daughter, or son, that attempts to refuse such marriages. It is these ‘rebellious’ youth that often find their way onto ships of the Parcel League. Which many see as a different type of caged life. Though free to love and be with who they please, the League’s oath of serving to protect their homeland’s waters is for life.


The Parcel ordinate from Normon blood. Their skin is pale naturally. The region’s weather keeps long sunny days to a minimum, allowing few to tan. Eye colors of the Parcel are almost exclusively green, with some blues showing in the southern islands. Hair color is often light and blonde, though browns are common as well. Both sexes keep their hair long. Women largely cover theirs in shawls or veils, depending on the island. Heavy shawls are favored on the central islands islands, while veils dominate the fashion of the smaller outer islands. Men grow beards, with longer beards seen as a sign of wisdom and strength. Red hair is rare, and despised, sometimes violently, by the Parcel. It is seen as contaminated with Elf blood. Black haired Parcel is an almost unheard of thing, and again also is considered a shameful of mixed blood like red, though largely with less violent outcomes. Women are expected to keep their hair covered and hidden when in public.

Race: Human

Ethnicity: Normon

Alignment: Parsel tend towards no particular alignment.

Age: Parsel have an above average lifespan, living on average to he age 100.

Size: (Medium) Parsel stand at an average human height of 5 feet to 6 feet tall.


Language: The Parsel hold tight to their roots, keeping the Capedian language as their islands primary language. But they also stand as the trade center between east and west, making the Common Tongue a requirement. As such all Parsel learn Capedian and Common as their primary languages. 


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