Sidubi Language in Aldern | World Anvil


the Tongue of Anbar


Sidubi is the primary spoke language of most cultures of the Western Reach of Ethae. Its most ancient roots can be found in the Enisha language of prehistory. The language emerged as a regional tongue in the Craddle Valley during the Valmon Age. What the ancients called this language is unknown, but its modern name is derived from the Siduumites people, and Ancient Siduum, of whom Sidubi was the primary language of the nation and people. Sidubi spread through Anbar with Ancient Siduum as its influences spread, with many of the other cultures languages disappearing over the generations.


There is debate within the scholastic world over Sidubi, verse Capedian. The later being considered to be the first true 'common tongue.' This is being contested in recent decades as some believe Sidubi, while not spreading as far and wide as Capedian has had a longer lasting influence on the continent. While it has long been replaced as a common trade language, it is, as stated above, still the primary language of most human cultures of Anbar, with the exception of Tinjir in the far northwest.


Ekallu - Palace

Martu - Daughter

Maru - Son

Samsatu - Sun (Juva)

Samsu - Sun (Uatu)


Daughter - Martu

Palace - Ekallu

Son - Maru

Sun (Juva) - Samsatu

Sun (Uatu) - Samsu


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