Soun's Peak Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Soun's Peak

the House of Bones


The tallest mountain in the Areian Peaks, Soun's Peak stands at 20,000 feet above sea-level. The mountain is named after Soun, who most consider patriarch of modern high Elf society. The mountain dominated the skyline of Soun's ancient homeland of Mya Soun Mair. Today, its location at the western edge of Ethae, in the remote deserts of Anbar, leave it little more than a footnote in Human. For the Elves, however, it is the most sacred site of their people. To them it is Coaxo Mountain, the 'House of Bones'. From the time of the Areian Nations, through to Zalpula and beyond, the mountain has been the last resting place of elves that died in battle. Catacombs are carved throughout the mountain, some with elaborate entrances, others plain, still others hidden. Most of these ancient resting places now lay empty, long since looted. Adventurers still travel to the mountain on occasion, hoping to find a new hidden catacomb buried on the slopes. Nearly all return empty handed, or not at all. But the tales of an adventurer returning with a great treasure keeps the hope alive for every new generations. Tavern tales tell of the find being last season, the truth is nothing has been found for at least two centuries.


The Taba Orchold controls the southern slopes of the mountain. The orc keeps the ancient custom alive, using the old catacombs to bury their dead warriors. This makes it one of the most dangerous regions of Lhakamed. The Taba are vicious as it is, more so when defending their sacred burial sites.

Mountain / Hill


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