Taba Orchold Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Taba Orchold (ta ba)

the Red Skulls

In the arid mountains stretching out of Souns Peak's, south into the desert, the Taba Orc (called the Red Skulls by the Cavea) have long dwelt, harassing the edges of their Cavea neighbors. The Taba is one of the oldest tribes of the west. Known to have been in Lhakamed before the Horde Storm Invasions. Taba claim the coastlands that now make up the Cavean Union as their ancestral home, focusing their attacks towards the farmlands along the edge of the Union territory.

The Taba are known to travel in large numbers, avoiding military forces, rather focusing on weaker threats that are of little risk to themselves. Taba are a nomadic community. Though they have many ritual sites with towering standing stones at the center scattered across their territory, their raiding parties stay mobile throughout the year. These menhir are similar to more ancient stones found throughout the western Areian Peaks, and Union lands, giving some credence to the orc’s claims of an ancestral homeland.

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe

Capital: None

Native People: Lhakamed Orc

Native Language: Orcish


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