Toe Islands Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Toe Islands

the Frog Locked Wastes


The Toe islands is a swampland in northwestern Jerain connected, and part of the greater wetlands of that region. Sitting as the northern part of the bayous of Char'wyn, the Toe Islands are divided from the central region, known as the Chambray and Lake Barra, by the Sparre. A miles wide waterway leading from the Pool of Ginham of the Cota Ocean, deep inland to Char'wyn territory. Like the much of the bayous the region is a maze of waterway circling around islands of swamps, marches and bogs, given it its name.

In spite of what the name implies the Toe Islands is a much more waterlogged region than its southern counterparts, with many of its 'islands' submerged during wet season, with only treetops sticking out of the brackish waters to indicate an island's location. Unlike the Chambray, which is largely a flatland of shallow waterways, the Toe Islands' waterways are often deep, with sinkholes and trenches throughout, especially in the more easterly regions.


Aside from the geography, the two regions are distinct in another ways as well. The Chambray is controlled by the Lizardfolk of the Sshalke tribes, while the Toe Islands are controlled by the Ranixal Bullywug. The region is largely avoided by civilized people, deemed far to dangerous for the average Human.

Wetland / Swamp


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