Ubed Orchold Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Ubed Orchold (OO bed)

the Unrelenting Brutal Decaitators


The Decapitators, the Unrelenting, the Ubed orchold has many names, all fitting for this brutal community of Orc. The Ubed are a brutish, malevolent group that control the territory south of Pier’s Peak along the desert edge. Their tribe arrived with the Umaybbad as they spread west across Anbar. Staying after the orc’s defeat.

Their numbers are small and scattered, but they hold their vast area through aggressive tactics and using the harsh environment to their advantage. Their Orcholds are usually established out of caves with a keep build up at the entrance. The men travel in hunting parties, migrating between these fortresses throughout the year, supplying and trading with the tribe’s women that permanently dwell and defend these holds. Their territory is marked and decorated with the heads of enemies, be it human or animal.

The Ubed are known collaborators of the Juhl'are (dark elves) in the Night Below. The dark elves often conscript the best Ubed as warriors, which keeps the orchold’s numbers low, but also provides the orcs with resources other tribes rarely see. Hel-deofor, the primary fortress at the heart of their territory is known to have a permanent garrison of drow on hand.

Geopolitical, Tribe


Native People: Lhakamed Orc

Native Language: Orcish

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