Viakagi Era in Aldern | World Anvil

Viakagi Era

the Era of Invasion

5790sc - 6060sc


According to the Tinjan Annals, the first Viakagi landed on their shores in 5790sc, raiding, killing, and looting. This coincides with surviving records of other nations on the west coast of the major continent of Ethae of the time. These attacks mark the beginning of the "Era of Viakagi Invasion," usually shortened to Viakagi Era by historians.


Annually, over the next 270 years, usually during the summer months, Viakagi ships would appear on the western horizon in random location. None of the later forces matched the first years massive armies, but each one brought terror to whatever fishing village or port saw the ships on their beaches.


The earliest large army attacks targeted major locations. Their goal was conquest. As the years and decades passed, however, they could no longer support great armies. Raiding became the norm, and by the early Novyum a shift from this to trade saw the end of the Viakagi.


The era transformed Ethae, not just the western coasts, with new Dagmon nations being formed from the successful Viakagi conquests. In the Heartlands new ideas and cultures appeared on the continent. The foreign invaders helped rekindle the unity of old Lakorth, which brought about the United Kingdoms of Novyum. Of all the events and eras of the modern ages, the Viakagi is up there with the formation of the Trijan Church as a 'world changing' event for the peoples of Ethae.


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