Zalpula Road

the Road of Toemanshire


The Zalpula Road is an ancient land highway spanning the length of the kingdom of Toemanshire. It travels through the riverlands of the Redhand River, following the rivers path through its valley in the Areian Peaks, sometimes along the riverbanks, other times miles away.

There is debate on the road's origin, some believing it to date as far back as the Areian Nations, most however believe the base of the Zalpula Road was founded during the reign of the Elf kingdom of Zalpula during the Kephic Age. Surviving records found in Pampont speak of that city-state repairing an ancient stone road running through their territory. Little mention of the road can be found through history until the early Novyum Age when its current name is given in correspondences. There is little mention of the road after this beyond local sources.


Throughout the kingdom of Toemanshire's history, the Redhand River has been the primary highway running through the nation. This has put the Zalpula Road as a minor system of travel across the kingdom leaving it far less maintained than roads found in other nations. Couple these facts with the troubled nations conquests and reconquests, the Zalpula Road is in poor shape. Stretches of the road are unsuitable for wheeled travel. The surrounding forest of the riverlands seem determined to swallow up all around them. If not for the stone nature of the road, and its deep solid construction, many remote regions of the road would have long vanished from the world.


The Zalpula Road is a jigsaw puzzle of stones. Throughout its history, the controlling powers of the region have set on keeping the road repaired, only to have nature consume it once more after they fall. Ancient weathered rounded stones sit next to sharp cornered new blocks. Ground covering vegetation grows in the cracks between everyone. Foot travel and pack animals are the only reliable way to travel this highway through the nation. Toemanshire's current king Carab is making plans, like any past rules, to repair the road once more. A monumental task that will take time and coin.


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