Magical Organizations in Alemi

Magical talent can be developed in almost innumerable ways, and there are far more formal, informal, amateur, semi-professional, secret, and obscured organizations devoted to its use than there are public institutions. However, there are some, and for the most part, they represent the pinnacle of skill in their respecitve practices.  

Publicly Known Magical Institutions

  These can all be considered public landmarks in a way: ask any local where the Healing Tower or the Hex Center is and they are likely to know--they may also add their own opinion of such places, but the locations are very publicly visible (and, in some cases, esepcially with certain Colleges of The Yebdwisain Circle and some of the Schools of The Prismatic Line, quite intentionally otentatious).   The exception to this are some of the smaller Hex centers, which at times due to their open dealings with Warlock who serve devils, fiends, or other unpleasant sorts find it judicious to remain more quiety about their existence. Even these, however, fall more into the realm of "open secret" than anythinge else.  

The Circles of the Innate

  Sorcerers attribute their magical powers to innate abilities, latent possibilities that exist within them and need nurturing to develop. As such, the notion of a "school" is somewhat anathema to their usual process. However, there are some techniques that are proven effective in helping them on their journey, and The Circles of the Innate exist in nine locations to provide support along the way.  

The Healing Towers

  There are thirteen Healing Towers, centers of medical research and practice with a focus on both magical and mundane technologies.  

The Hex

  Warlocks are a different breed, as their magic generally flows through them from a divine source. The Hex exists to help those individuals who serve as vessels for this power grow in strength and in their ability to cope. Part support group, part training ground, part ritual center, the Hex centers are often very small locations, sometimes barely more than a Bed & Breakfast, sometimes signifcantly larger. They vary greatly in their focus and capacities, but this helps explain why there are so many of them--each of the six larger Hex centers is responsible for the support of six smaller affiliates.  

The Prismatic Line

  Storehouses of immense arcane knowledge, The Prismatic Line is a network of schools, with two dedicated to each of the eight Schools of Magic. Wizards looking for the highest levels of training generally turn to Schools of the Line, as they are called.  

The Yebdwisain Circle

  The Yebdwisain Circle, a loose consortium of colleges, producs the finest Bards in the land.  

Map of Public Magical Organizations



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