
Bards use music to access The Weave, and are essentially a magical class. They play their instruments to inspire their allies and strike fear into the hearts of their foes.   Playing a bard is unique--their options are different than the other classes, and they have a wide array of options in terms of specializations and style. The role-playing hooks are pretty obvious, but they can be a great class for players who want to spend as much time supporting their fellow adventurers as doing things on their own.   Bards rely on Bardic Inspiration for much of their abilities, which allows you to give extra die to other creatures to add to or subtract from various rolls. Additionally, their Song of Rest allows your allies to regain their strength during short rests, something that can often be the difference between life and death during adventures.   In media, Fflewddur Fflan from the Prydain books, Tom Bombadil from The Lord of the Rings, Starlord from Guardians of the Galaxy, and Gabrielle from Xena are all Bards.   The most important ability for Bards is CHA, with--depending on your specific build--either DEX or CON next.  

Bard Colleges

  Bards specialize through their enrollment in various Colleges, each of which confer a unique set of features. You select your College at 3rd Level, and receive new features from it at 3rd, 6th, and 14th Level.  

Arcane Colleges

These colleges focus on magic and the mysteries of The Weave.  
College of Alien Symbolism
This College is devoted to the uncanny planes of existence and the terrors therein.
College of Chantings
This College focuses on primal music and instruments.
College of Chaos
This College focuses on the wild and unpredictable nature of The Weave.
College of Gem Chanting
This College uses gems to focus their voice and their arcane powers.
College of Glamour
This College focuses on using illusion to manipulate the world and creatures around you.
College of Exorcism
This College focuses on how to manipulate helpful and harmful spirits.
College of Lore
This College increases your ability to reaserch and learn magic, aiding yourself and your allies.
College of the Maestro
This College trains bards in how to pull music out of the world around them.
College of Mana
This college learns to use others' magic against them.
College of the Shadowfell
This College trains in shadow magic.
College of Silence
This College specializes in silent, arcane performance.
College of the Sky
This College focuses on flight and levitation.
College of Song Seek
This College specializes in the conversion of sound into arcane power.
College of Truth
This College pursues and understanding of the ultimate nature of reality.

Arts Colleges

These colleges remind us that the arts encompass more skills than playing instruments and singing.  
College of Artistry
This College specializes in combining bardic skill with other art forms (sculpture, painting, etc.).
--College of Bells:This college harnesses sonic phenomena, answering for whom it tolls ... --
College of Blood Painting
This College (which is barely organized enough to be an institution) creates art with their own blood.
College of Colour
This College specializes in painting as a bardic skill.
College of Dance
This College specializes in speed and movement (2 options).
College of Decadence
This College specializes in recalling the glories of the lost past.
College of Eloquence
This College focuses on using the performed word to bend creatures to their will.
College of Masks
This College (in two varieties) specializes in the performance of roles, and taking on different personas.
College of Miming
This College uses silent action and mimicry.
College of the Troubadour
This College focuses on pure entertainment.
College of Virtuosity
This College focuses on the performing arts from around the world.

Battle Colleges

These colleges focus on the art of war and battle.  
College of Cacophony
This College attacks through pure volume.
College of Dance
This College uses dance to improve its effectiveness in combat.
College of Defiance
This College produces bardic leaders of revolutions.
College of Destruction
This College focuses on the destructive power of sound.
College of the Instigator
This College manipulates situations and other creatures to violent ends.
Lunatic Jester
You gain a variety of melee madness.
College of Mirrors
This College focuses on the brightness of metal and armor and the music of battle.
The Traditions of Ofridr
This College is devoted to the Norse God of battle, Ofridr.
College of the Primal Rhythm
This College uses the rhythm of battle to gain advantage.
College of Revelry
This College fuses partying and battle.
College of Swords
These are bardic warriors, plain and simple.
College of Valor
This College focuses on battle, increasing both your melee ability and your skill at inspiring and aiding others.
Focuses on leading battles through song and speech.

Dark Colleges

These colleges, while not necessarily evil, drift into areas other schools avoid.  
College of Agony
Noise is pain and pain is useful.
College of Bloodsinging
This College manipulates its own and others blood.
College of the Crossroads
This College creates a bond between a performer and an Abyssal power.
College of Dread
This College specializes in laments and songs of sorrow.
Fochlucan College
This College specializes in exerting their influence in the Royal Courts of the known world.
The Traditions of Helord
This College is devoted to the Norse God of darkness, Hel.
College of Intrigue
This College specializes in secrets and mystery.
College of Manipulation
This College twists and distorts reality, pitting friend against friend to accomplish their ends.
College of Whispers
This College, reviled by most other Bards, are devious tricksters, working for their own and their bretheren's ends.

Holy Colleges

These colleges are devoted to deities and their presence in the material plane.  
College of Glory
This College is largely evangelical, devoted to spreading the word of a chosen deity.
Hymn Singer
This College uses religious songs to bolster their battle prowess.
The Traditions of Bragi
This College is devoted to the Norse God, Bragi.

Nature Colleges

These colleges celebrate the power of nature and creation itself.  
College of Blooms
This College works with plants and nature itself.
College of Creation
This College use their connection with the Song of Creation to bring things alive around them. Dwarven, Gnome, and especially Dragonborn Bards often follow the College of Creation.
Greenleaf College
This college focuses on the nature-drenched Elven and Half-Elven bardic traditions.
The Traditions of Villr
This College is devoted to the Norse Gods of wilderness.

Colleges of Song

These colleges refine vocal performance to highly specialized arts.  
College of the Banshee
This College trains the voice to its extreme limits.
College of Camp Songs
This College specializes in witty ditties to effect change in the world.
College of Dirge Singers
This college focuses on songs evocative of death and the passage between worlds.
College of Echoes
This College manipulats the fabric of sound and echo.
College of Lament
This College sings sad songs ...
College of the Mad God
This College focuses on cacophonous noise and psychic damage.
College of Ominous Whistling
Not singing, strictly speaking, but still ...
College of Still
This College uses subsonic frequencies to manipulate reality.
Your prototypical wandering performer.

Support Colleges

These colleges focus on healing and otherwise supporting allies.  
College of Minds Awaker
This College focuses on supporting their allies mental strength.
College of Fortune
This College specializes in manipulating the laws of luck itself.
College of Hope
This College brings hope into the darkest moments.
College of Imagination
This College specializes in storytelling.
--College of Saloon Keepers:This College specializes in skills useful in managing crowds and supporting customers. Howdy!--
College of Silence
This College specializes in telepathy.
College of Valhalla
This College creates heroic deeds through their songs.
College of Woe
This College transforms the bardic song into a powerful weapon of sorrow.

Miscellaneous Colleges

If it doesn't fit anywhere else, here it is.  
Ancient soothsayers and prophecizers.
College of the Ancients
This College specializes in rediscovering the lore and powers of past civilizations.
College of the Apocalypse
This College (which has four distinct flavors) sees the coming endtimes, and is either working to hasten or prevent them.
College of Arcane Philosophy
This College specializes in argument.
College of the Cat
This College serves Bastet (or a similar deity).
College of Chance
Another College aimed at gambling and luck.
College of Comedy
This College (2 options) uses humor to make its point.
College of Eulogy
This College memorializes and communes with the (recently) departed.
College of the Gambler
This College specializes on high risk/high reward moments.
High Speaker
These bards serve as the spokespeople for religious or political powers.
College of the Killing Joke
This College turns laughter into a deadly array of weapons.
College of the Oppressed
This College focuses on community organizing and crowd control.
These Bards rely on deceit and disguise.
College of the Ratpipers
This College bonds with rodents to great effect.
College of Revels
This College leans on Dionysian divine ecstasy. And wine. Lots of wine.
College of the Road
This College learns the tricks of survival on the road: mimicry and minor magic is their forte.
College of Scent
This College masters the use of aromas and aromatic potions.
College of Shadow
This College learns the secrets of shadow manipulation.
College of Tall Tales
This College uses deceit as its primary skill.
College of Two Courts
This College fuses a connection with The Courts of Summer & Winter.
College of Vagabonds
This College wanders the world, with great skills in moving through time and space.
College of Wyrdsingers
This College focuses on fate and destiny, embodied in the notion of the Wyrd.
Masters of knowledge and understanding.
Masters of verbal manipulation.
These bards draw power from shadows, including the ability to craft familiars from the stuff.


These are meant as a summary of the class. The official rules should be consulted, either directly or through the DM with any questions or clarifications.
Scroll down for full class details.


In the worlds of D&D, words and music are not just vibrations of air, but vocalizations with power all their own. The bard is a master of song, speech, and the magic they contain. Bards say that the multiverse was spoken into existence, that the words of the gods gave it shape, and that echoes of these primordial Words of Creation still resound throughout the cosmos. The music of bards is an attempt to snatch and harness those echoes, subtly woven into their spells and powers.   The greatest strength of bards is their sheer versatility. Many bards prefer to stick to the sidelines in combat, using their magic to inspire their allies and hinder their foes from a distance. But bards are capable of defending themselves in melee if necessary, using their magic to bolster their swords and armor. Their spells lean toward charms and illusions rather than blatantly destructive spells. They have a wide-ranging knowledge of many subjects and a natural aptitude that lets them do almost anything well. Bards become masters of the talents they set their minds to perfecting, from musical performance to esoteric knowledge.
hit dice: 1d8
hit points at 1st level: 8 + CON modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + CON modifier
armor proficiencies: Light Armor
weapon proficiencies: Simple Weapons; Hand Crossbows; Longswords; Rapiers; Shortswords
tools: 3 Musical instruments of your choice.
saving throws: DEX; CHA
skills: Any 3.
starting equipment:
A rapier or a longsword or any single weapon; a diplomat's pack or an entertainer's pack; a lute or any other musical instrument; leather armor and a dagger.
CHA is your spellcasting ability.
Spell Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + CHA modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = Proficiency Bonus + CHA modifier  


At 1st Level, you know 2 cantrips from the Bard spell list. You learn additional cantrips at higher levels, as shown in the CANTRIPS column of the Bard Table below.  

Spells Known

The Bard Table below details when you learn new spells. When you gain a level, you may replace 1 of your currently known spells with another.  

Ritual Casting

You can cast a spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you know the spell.  

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a musical instrument as a spellcasting focus.

class features:
Bardic Inspiration
You can inspire another creature within 60ft. The insipred creature gains 1 Bardic Inspiration Die (a d6 at Level 1) for 10 minutes. During that time, they may add a roll of that die to any d20 roll they make. You can use Bardic Inspiration a number of times = your CHA modifier, and regain with a long rest. Your Bardic inspiration Die increases at 5th Level (d8), 10th Level (d10), and 15th Level (d12). There is some important nuance to Bardic Inspiration, and it is a core skill for Bards; see PHB 53-55 for full details.
Jack of All Trades
At 2nd Level, you can hadd half your proficiency bonus to any ability check that doesn't already include it.
Song of Rest
At 2nd Level, you can heal allies during a short rest. The amount of healing increases at 9th, 13th, and 17th Level.
Magical Inspiration
At 2nd Level, A creature with a Bardic Inspiration die from you may roll it to add the result to damage dealt or HP regained of an attack or a spell. The die is then lost.
Bard College
At 3rd Level, you select your Bard College. You receive features from your college at 3rd, 6th, and 14th Level.
At 3rd Level, choose 2 of your skills. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check using these skills.
Ability Score Improvement
At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Level, you can increase 1 ability score +2 or 2 ability scores +1 (20 max). Additionally, you have Bardic Versatility, allowing you, at each of these levels, to replace one skill with which you have expertise with another or replace one cantrip you know with another.
Font of Inspiration
At 5th Level, you regain all uses of Bardic Inspiration with a short or long rest.
At 6th Level, You may use an action to start a performance that lasts until the end of your next turn. All friendly creatures within 30ft have advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed by an effect in earshot. The effect ends if you are silenced or when you voluntarily end it.
At 10th Level, you gain Expertise with 2 more skills.
Magical Secrets
At 10th Level, you can learn 2 spells from any class. These spells count as Bard Spells for you. You can learn 2 more Magical Secrets at 14th and 18th Level. See PHB 54.
Superior Inspiration
At 20th Level, when you roll initiative and have no uses of Bardic Inspiration left, you regain 1 use.
subclass options:
Bard Colleges offer further specialization of your skills. The College of Lore enhances your magical skills while the College of Valor increases your value in battle. The College of Creation focuses on magical manifestatioins and the College of Eloquency on influencing others through commanding speech.
Bardic Inspiration (d6)
242 1st Level
2+2Jack of All Trades
Song of Rest (d6)
Magical Inspiration
251 1st Level
3+2Bard College
261 1st Level
2 2nd Level
4+2Ability Score Improvement with Bardic Versatility371 2nd Level
5+3Bardic Inspiration (d8)
Font of Inspiration
382 3rd Level
Bard College Features
391 3rd Level
7+33101 4th level
8+3Ability Score Improvement with Bardic Versatility3111 4th Level
9+4Song of Rest (d8)3121 4th Level
1 5th Level
10+4Bardic Inspiration (d10)
Magical Secrets
4141 5th Level
11+44151 6th Level
12+4Ability Score Improvement with Bardic Versatility415
13+5Song of Rest (d10)4161 7th Level
14+5Magical Secrets
Bard College Features
15+5Bardic Inspiration (d12)4191 8th Level
16+5Ability Score Improvement with Bardic Versatility419
17+6Song of Rest (d12)4201 9th Level
18+6Magical Secrets4221 5th Level
19+6Ability Score Improvement with Bardic Versatility4221 6th Level
20+6Superior Inspiration4221 7th Level


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