
Wizards cast magic through ardous study, adding to their Spellbook as they learn new spells.   They specialize in a single type of magic, developing their expertise until they can warp reality itself within that School of Magic. As with all magic users, this is done by refining their skills at manipulating The Weave to produce their desired outcomes.   The process of preparing and learning spells can be awkward at first, but it will become rote quickly enough. Wizards--like all of the magic classes--tend to be high risk/high reward: you can turn the tide of battle with a single spell. At the same time, when your only Level 5 spell slot fails, it's pretty demoralizing.   For all Wizards, INT is the most important ability, followed by CON or DEX or, if you plan on joining the School of Enchantment, CHA.  

Arcane Traditions

  Wizards unravel The Weave and bend it to their will through intense study of specific varieties of Magic.  

Classic Arcane Traditions

  The most traditional Arcane Traditions map directly to the Eight Schools of Magic:  
School of Abjuration
This School emphasizes magic that blocks, banishes, protects, or heals.
School of Conjuration
This School emphasizes magic that produce objects and creatures out of thin air.
School of Divination
This School emphasizes magic that grants insight into the past, present, and future.
School of Enchantment
This School emphasizes magic that entrances and beguiles.
School of Evocation
This School emphasizes magic that creates elemental effects.
School of Illusion
This School emphasizes magic that dazzles and befuddles.
School of Necromancy
This School emphasizes magic that deals with life, death, undeath, and their relationships.
School of Transmutation
This School emphasizes magic that modifies energy and matter into different forms.
  The rest of the Arcane Traditions mix these schools into their own specialties.  

Schools of Arcane Technique

  Some focus on magical technique, whether in forms of pure knowledge or in forms of different physical arcane containers.  
School of Academic Lore
Through intense study, this school develops the ability to modify the spells you know and to improve their ability to optimize spells and spellcasting. (x2)
School of Aeromancy
This school focuses on atmospheric techniques.
This school focuses on overall magical technique, as opposed to a single type of magic.
School of Archeomancy
This school focuses on arcane energy infused in objects.
Magic is sourced in the untamed and destructive powers that lay at the roots of the arcane and of nature itself.
Magic that impacts time itself.
This school trains the arecane teachers of future generations.
School of Geomancy & School of Ritualism
Both of these Schools focus on unlocking the untapped potential of magical rituals.
Hedge Mages
Perhaps surprisingly, avoding formal training requires an even higher degree of technique, allowing Hedge Mages to bypass various technical limitations. There are multiple variants of Hedge Wizards.
Hedge Wizards
Hedge Wizards focus on the use and expansion of cantrips, which can be surprisingly powerful.
Focus on the more physical impacts of accessing The Weave.
School of Living Spells
This School focuses on embuing your spells with an arcane intelligence of their own.
Similar to the Arcanist above, the Mage maintains aptitude across the schools of magic, but is a more flexible tradition.
School of Malpractice
Far more freewheeling than the School of Academic Lore, the School of Malpractice similarly aims to modify the effects of magic on the fly.
School of Metallurgy
This School focuses on the power of metal and, yes, armor.
School of the Occult
This School focuses on the hidden powers beyond The Weave, creating a sort of Wizard/Warlock hybrid.
School of the Old Magic
This School focuses on witchcraft traditions.
School of the Pureweaver
This School opens up the ability to expand high powered spells in heretofore unknown ways through a pure implementation of The Weave.
Occultism Traditions
These Schools focus on empowering the body towards immortality.
Yep, fire.
School of Scribes
This School emphasizes magic that deals with granting additional powers to a Wizard's Spellbook.
School of Sealing
This School enhances or decreases the efficiency of The Weave by sealing them in specific ways.
School of Shadow
This School emphasizes magic based on forces of shadow.
Arcane interactions with the constellations of Alemi (see Astrology in Alemi).
School of Summoning
Focusing on conjuration, this school allows you to summon allies to your aid.
School of Tattooism
Tattoo mages use their own bodies as their arcane canvases.
This School focuses on being able to develop expertise across all Schools.
School of Wands
This School focuses on the use of enchanted rods and wands of all varieties, preferring to encase magic in material containers.

Environmental Schools

  Others focus on different parts of their environment.  
School of Botany
This School emphasizes knowledge related to understanding growth and development in the natural world.
School of Elementalists
This School emphasizes magic inherent to the Elemental planes.
This School gains influence over a specific area, able to protect and support its denizens.
School of Material Magic
This School emphasizes the manipulation of the material plane itself.
School of Sivology
This School expands magical study to include spells usually only known by Rangers and Druidd, and enhances some arcane techniques.
School of Sky Magic
This School focuses on the power of air and of flight.

Schools of the Dark & the Weird

  Still others turn to the darker (or in some cases, just weirder) forces at play in the world.  
School of Biomancy
This school studies the arcane dimensions of magic usually reserved for Druids.
School of Blood Magic
This school focuses on the arcane power of blood.
School of Cryptozoology
This school studies how to access the power of monsters.
School of Demonologists
Demonologists study a particular fiend to learn to exploit its powers.
Schools of Demonology
Three Schools, each emphasizing the general study of the power of demons and devils.
This School focuses on infernal abilities and knowledge.
School of Ectomancy
This School teaches access to the Ethereal Plane and the spirits that dwell there.
School of Fleshwarping
This School teaches how to modify flesh itself for a variety of benefits, both temporary and permanent.
School of Hemomancy
This School exponentially increases the power of blood magic.
School of the Last Raven
This School focuses on curses and arcane theivery.
School of the Planes
This School insists that the greatest arcane knowledge is located in the exploration of other planes of existence.
School of the Reaper
This School focuses on Necromantic hexes and curses.
Red Wizards
These wizards (almost exclusively Human) pursue Arcane power through any means possible, with few, if any, moral guiderails.
School of Sangromancy
This School harnesses the magical power of blood itself.
Shadow Arcane Tradition
These practitioners infuse a living shadow with arcane power.
School of the Shadow Weave
This School focuses on the power of shadows.
School of Umbramancy
This School accesses the power of the shadow realms.
--Veinscripter::This School uses its own blood to create arcane energy.==
School of the White Necromancer
This School emphasizes the understanding of the relationship between life and death.
School of Witchery
This School mixes traditional forms of witchcraft.
Members of this School have sacrificed part of their souls in exchange for dark power.

Alternate Schools

  There are totally alternative ways to access The Weave as well.  
School of Alchemy
This School focuses on the knowledge of matter transmutation and chemistry.
--School of the Broken Equation::This School insists that current ways of accessing The Weave
School of Hard Knocks
This School keeps it true for the streets.
School of Heavans
This School harnesses celestial power.
School of Incantation
Wizards. But they sing.
School of Rune Callers
This School focuses on using runic traditions to hone and focus the power of The Weave.
School of Theurgy
This School combines religious devotion with arcane knowledge.

Warrior Mages

  And then there are the warrior mages.  
School of Arcane Archery
This School marries art with the bow with arcane practice.
School of Bladesinging
This School emphasizes magic that combines swordplay, dance, and song in a deadly combination.
School of Force Missile
Everyone loves magic missile; some develop into a superior artform.
School of Volatility
This school is built for unpredictable moments in battle.
School of War
This School emphasizes magic that prepares Wizards for war.

Specialist Schools

  Finally, there are some highly specialized Schools that are hard to categorize in the above.  
Automaton Mastery
This School focuses on the creation and arcane animation of constructs and automatons.
Celestial Summoner
This School explores the arcane with celestial angelology.
School of Desiderites
This School focuses on the nature of wishes to bend reality.
The Eyes of Merlin
This School focuses on the overlap of magic and espionage.
Gnomish Artifice
Almost exclusive to Gnomes, this School adds Arcane skills to the Gnomish tendencies to construct automatons.
This School uses necromancy to prevent the undead from harming the living.
School of Labyrinth Magic
This school harnesses the power of confusion and clarity.
School of Reawakening
This school--related to, but not quite necromancy--allows souls to be stored and deployed via arcane means.
This School focuses on the occult science and alien mathematics of Cthulhu Mythos.
Scribe of Thoth-Hermes
This School focuses on judgement and arbitration.
School of the Stone Scribe
This School focuses on shared knowledge of the magic that exists all around.
School of the Wanderer
This school benefits from deep experience of traveling the world.
White Necromancy
This School uses necromancy in service of life itself.


These are meant as a summary of the class. The official rules should be consulted, either directly or through the DM with any questions or clarifications.
Scroll down for full class details.


Wild and enigmatic, varied in form and function, the power of magic draws students who seek to master its mysteries. Some aspire to become like the gods, shaping reality itself. Though the casting of a typical spell requires merely the utterance of a few strange words, fleeting gestures, and sometimes a pinch or clump of exotic materials, these surface components barely hint at the expertise attained after years of apprenticeship and countless hours of study.   Wizards live and die by their spells. Everything else is secondary. They learn new spells as they experiment and grow in experience. They can also learn them from other wizards, from ancient tomes or inscriptions, and from ancient creatures (such as the fey) that are steeped in magic.
hit dice: 1d6
hit points at 1st level: 6 + CON Modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d6 or 4 + CON Modifier
armor proficiencies:
weapon proficiencies: Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light Crossbows
saving throws: INT; WIS
skills: 2 from Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Religion.
starting equipment:
A quarterstaff or a dagger; a component pouch or an arcane focus; a scholar's pack or an explorer's pack; a spellbook.
INT is your spellcasting ability.
Spell Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + INT modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = Proficiency Bonus + INT modifier  


At 1st Level, you know 3 cantrips from the wizard spell list. You learn additional cantrips at higher levels, as shown in the CANTRIPS column of the Wizard Table below.  

Spell Slots

The Wizard Table below details how many spell slots you have available.  

Learning Spells

Each time you gain a Wizard Level, you can add 2 Wizard spells to your Spellbook. Each of these spells must be at a level for which you have spell slots. You may add spells to your Spellbook through other means as well (see PHB 114 for details).  

Preparing and Casting Spells

Wizards prepare a list of spells after each long rest through study of your Spellbook (1 minute per spell level for each spell). You may prepare a number of spells equal to your INT modifier + your Wizard level.  

Ritual Casting

You can cast a spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you know the spell.  

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus.

class features:
At 1st Level, you have a Spellbook containing 6 1st Level Wizard spells.
Arcane Recovery
At 1st Level, once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is <= 1/2 your Wizard Level, and none of the slots can be over 5th Level.
--Arcane Tradition::At 2nd Level, you choose your School of Magic to focus on, and receive benefits in learning spells of that school at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th Level.
Cantrip Formulas
At 3rd Level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can replace a cantrip.
Ability Score Improvement
At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Level, you can increase 1 ability score +2 or 2 ability scores +1 (20 max).
Spell Mastery
At 18th Level, you can choose 1 1st Level and 1 2nd Level spell from your Spellbook. You can cast these spells at their lowest level without expending a spell slot if you have them prepared. You can change 1 or both of these spells by spending 8 hours in study.
Signature Spells
At 20th Level, you gain mastery over 2 3rd Level spells. These are your Signature Spells. You always have them prepared and you can cast each of them once at 3rd Level without expending a spell slot. You regain this ability after a long rest.
subclass options:
Wizards specialize in different Arcane Traditions, each focused on a different School of Magic.
Arcane Recovery
32 1st Level
2+2Arcane Tradition31 1st Level
3+2Cantrip Formulas31 1st Level
2 2nd Level
4+2Ability Score Improvement41 2nd Level
5+342 3rd Level
6+3Arcane Tradition Feature41 3rd Level
7+341 4th level
8+3Ability Score Improvement41 4th Level
9+441 4th Level
1 5th Level
10+4Arcane Tradition Feature51 5th Level
11+451 6th Level
12+4Ability Score Improvement5
13+551 7th Level
14+5Arcane Tradition Feature5
15+551 8th Level
16+5Ability Score Improvement5
17+651 9th Level
18+6Spell Mastery51 5th Level
19+6Ability Score Improvement51 6th Level
20+6Signature Spell51 7th Level


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