Virus Mark I

This is the earliest form of the virus, manufactured in a The Circumference without the benefit of the advanced The Circumference - Document sketches.

Transmission & Vectors

Contamination of water / suspension fluid existing in a The Circumference built in Taipei, Taiwan. The suspension fluid is extremely infectious.


The virus is latent for a period of time, possibly weeks. It first presents as a blood coagulation disorder (bleeding from fingernails etc.) Once the bleeding presents itself, fatigue and collapse are imminent. It is fatal within a few days.


The only treatment is a piece of equipment in a former Soviet naval base in present-day Estonia. This naval base was owned and operated by Irina Derevko's organization. The equipment takes a blood sample from a patient and creates a custom serum antidote for that patient only.


The original Rambaldi Virus, as manufactured by Irina Derevko and her organization The Man. The first attempt to create the Rambaldi virus based on recovered documentation and artifacts.   The creation of the virus ultimately led to the destruction of Irina's organization, as her lieutenants wanted to sell the virus as a bioweapon and turned against her and each other. Julian Sark, Gerard Cuvee, and Alexander Khasinau continued research after Irina disappeared. They infected members of the organization loyal to Irina in order to study the virus, including Klaus Richter and "Patient 1" in a private hospital in Geneva.
Chronic, Acquired