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The Trial for Claim to the Mortal Realm & The Feywild

Diplomatic action

31/5 15:00
31/5 16:00

The Adventures must participate in a trail by combat for Lord Flax's claim over the Material Relam and the Dyad Thicket. The Hag Jenny Greenteeth reveals her 6 champions and the Trial begins. During the battle an ally arrives and presses their claim and challenges the court to The River King's negligence. The results will change the corase of the Summerlands and Thelanis forever.

Jenny Greenteeth reminds The Circle of Six that she can choose anyone as her champions for the Trial by combat. She chooses Captian Bulba of The Court of Calabeag, Brynna from The Lochkin Court, Lord Silverwing Herald of the Spring Melt-Knight of the Gilded Scroll-Master of Carrion and Lord of the Lost Battlefields, Fangs-in-shade-and-Rushes the Kings Huntsman, Oberest the Green Knight and his Squire Illisfan.   As the Trial begins the adventurers must decide the best course of action. The Venom Troll Fangs rushes in honored to be chosen to honor his King. Inflicting devastating damage to Aela before he falls. Lord Silverwing rushes to Alcath to seek his vengeance on defeating him for Gilly's hand. The Green Knight and his squire slash and hack their way to Aela and Brerenax. While Gilly and Moz have their hands full with Brynna and some magic trickery from Capt Bulba. The Circle is surviving but the Champions of Jenny Greenteeth seem to have the upper hand.   A shadow passes overhead and cascades across the battlefield. Moments later a giant swan dives through the watery ceiling into the middle of the Great Rippling Hall. Water covers the whole of the court and Gwendolyn Lady of The Lochkin Court stands pointing at King Ulorian exclaiming "This has gone on long enough" She proceeds to Challenge the River King to his rite to rule the Summerlands. She expresses her concern for his competence due to him being swayed by the whims of his treacherous sisters and Dark Fey. It is clear that his judgment is insufficient for the needs of this land. While their past relationship is long over she fears some of his actions are an act of a guilty and jealous previous lover. She proclaims "Choose now whom you follow!" and Attacks the River King.   Chaos erupts as the courts are sent into a frenzy. Jenny Greenteeth immediately runs across the throne and slits the throat of her sister Lady Budena Lorelai of the Summer Twilight. Energy seeps from Budenas's dead body and is absorbed by Jenny Greenteath. She then fleas before anyone can stop her expeditious retreat.   King Uliorian then rises with a grin on his face and proclaims "this might not be a boring evening after all"   Lord Silverwing proclaims he must maintain his honor and continues to attack Alcath. The Green Knight and Squire retreat into the crowd and flee. Bryna and Captian Bulba join in the fight with Queen Peoni saying we are with The Lochkin Court.   Gilly gets knocked into the rushing river and Moz turns into a giant frog to rescue her. She is able to get to Gilly and stop her from rushing down the river when Lord Silverwing Fey steps into the water and teleports Gilly out of danger.   King Ulorian is a mighty foe even with the help of The Circle of Six it seems he has the upper hand. There is a moment when Aela has been knocked unconscious and Brerenax has a choice to heal her or try for the kill. He chooses to heal Aela and drop his rage. The beauty calms the beast. Afterward, Gwen looks at Brerenax and asks if she should heal or attack. Brerenax asks "is she worth it?" she replies "to me" then a flurry spin knocks everyone including the Aela back to the ground. Brerenax is left in the wake bruised broken and sword in hand. With all the strength he can muster he strikes twice (double critical) the River King falls and his body turns to seafoam in the wake of the chaos.   The fighting comes to a stop as the onlookers are in awe of the historical significance of today's events. Gwen is now Queen of the Lochkin court and ruler of the Summerlands.   She looks to her Champion Aela and exclaims "you have earned your wings" and anoints Aela "Champion of the Lochkin Court, Handmaiden to the Queen, and Swanmay"   Aela feels a power swell inside her and she turns into a swan and sores across the Rippling Hall.   Queen Gwen then tells the adventurers "your task is not yet complete. Lord Flax still threatens your realm. I can give little help but go and save your home"

Related Location
Thelanis - The Feywild
Related timelines & articles
The Adventures of The Path of Nightshade and The Circle of Six (article)