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A Party Reunited


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The Circle of Six of Six finally get reunited after Aela and Brerenax spend some additional time in Thelanis - The Feywild with their courts. When everyone finally finds themselves in Ethios they explore more of Aelas past and find out more about Gillys Anointing. Many revelations come to light as Aela visits the Shepard Estate.

The Circle of Six of Six finally get reunited after Aela and Brerenax spend some additional time in Thelanis - The Feywild with their courts.   Brerenax gets caught outside the city trying to gain entrance into the Plata Gate. The city guards will not let him through without a sponser. When he suggests he knowns Aela they dismiss the claim. He meets a man named Ray outside the city walls in the Hayarch. He suggests he can help get a message inside the city for trade. Brerenax trades his moon-touched great sword to get a message to Aela. During the few days he is outside the city he entertains and befriends the people and they offer there daughters and sons for marraige. A woman named Evangeline told him he would always have a place here. Brerenax tries to enter the city in disquise but decides not to risk it when the guards ask too many questions about the nature of his visit. They also elude to a antimagic field he must walk through.   Aela arrives in her bed with her Shiny new plate armor waiting for her with a royal blue cape. Aela spends her time talking to the Silver Corp inside the city. She speaks to Ricky, Paxton.   Aela gains a audience with The Silver King and tells him of her adventures in Thenalis. She tells him of the Coup and the plot to attack the Material Plane, how she and Gwen stopped it and she gained favor with the Lochkin Court. She then meets up with Alcath, Caia, Moz and Gilly.   Gilly asks Gilderoy about what it means to be "bathed in the blood of a demon prince" She discovered that it marks her so someone can find her and to block that someone had to sacrifice for that protection. She realizes gave that protection for a month to the Hag in exchange for entertance to the River Kings Court.   The Circle of Six are finally reunited when the party finds Brerenax outside the city. They decide to visit the Shepard Estate where Aela once called home.

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