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Brerenax Minstrelson

Brerenax Minstrelson (a.k.a. BrereMAX, MiniNax, Brandy Ass, Bushel Sass, Berry Glass)

Brerenax has no recollection of his birth parents.   Later found and raised by Loxodon. A female Loxodon named Kenja took him in. She went by the Loxodon name "Minstrel" She was the entertainer of her people. She taught him the bagpipes. She took him in despite others not approving. Finally, he was forced to leave that home as well and took up Gladiator fighting to earn a living.   That is where he met Ymir Fowlstriker in Mudhole. Ymir taught him to fight and earn coin.   In Mudhole, a Human nobleman named Lars Abbasi asked Brerenax to fight for him as a gladiator. Brerenax refused his offers several times.   One night a beautiful half-elven woman came to Brerenax and they spent a night of passion he did not get her name. This was not the first time a woman had approached Brerenax in such a manner so he didn't think much of it. Brerenax noticed she had a bird she called Malone. She sent him away shortly after arriving.   Later that week Lars threatened Brerenax if he ever showed his face in Mudhole again. Brerenax decided he should leave Mudhole.   At that time Brerenax and Ymir moved to Drakenwall to earn a larger purse in the Arena. Years later Ymir earned enough to start a settlement named Nayluge to live out his days in peace. He invited anyone to live there outcasts, loners anyone could find sanctuary as long as they kept the peace.   Word got out and the settlement. About a year later Brerenax rushed to Nayluge to help with the rumored attack. On the way, he was attacked by bandits and was met by Aela Shepard a Paladin, she came to his aid. He took an immediate liking to her.   After thanking Aela, Brerenax tells her of his plan to aid Ymir and she agrees to go with him. They meet Ymir in Nayluge and the three join in a fight with Ymir's people against an invading army. During the fight, Aela became separated from Berenax and Ymir and engages in a fight against a fully armored captain in the evading army with a two-headed symbol on his vestiges. He cast a spell or something and afterward Aela lost her memories. The army fled before Ymir and Brerenax can get to him and Aela has no memory of who she was. Ymir remained with his people to help them recover, while Brerenax and Aela with the approval of Ymir (which he did not need) set out to find the boss and regain her memories. They traveled south into the Albion Alliance and ended up in Stars Hallow for the Firelight Festival.   After the Firelight Festival, Brenerax had a vision of Dol Arrah where she asked him to embrace every part of him. He embraced both families and parts of himself and was gifted with the spirit totem of the Elephant gave him tougher skin and he woke up with small tusks coming out of his cheeks.   After the Arevon Castle Arc l Brerenax was gifted from the Orcs of the Black Fang Clan an Ancestral Great Sword named "Fate Carver"   During the Battle of Kucca Brerenax and Aela discovered the symbol of the 2 headed monsters is the crest of a mercenary group called the Twin Manticores.   While in the Feywild Brerenax swore fealty to the Pixie Court of Calabeag and Queen Gerbera. As a result, they declared him Champion and asked him to always defend the court. Parts of the scales on the back of this head turned a shade of pinkish-orange. They charged him with proving his worth to the court. After Queen Gerberas' death, Queen Peoni extended her hand of friendship and gifted Brerenax with the Torque of Calabeag and named him Champion of The Court of Calabeag and the Pixies.   After a near-death experience while fighting the Dire Crow Brerenax in a raddled state told Caia a story about when he was a Gladiator in Mudhole  Early on in his gladiatorial career, Brerenax met Ezmon, a Human slave who was fighting as a gladiator to win his freedom. They soon began sparring together and over time became friends. Ezmon wanted to earn his freedom. An opportunity for Ezmon to gain his freedom came and a challenge was issued to battle Arnox, a hulking Goliath known for his merciless brutality in the arena. Fearing for Ezmon, Brerenax pleaded with the young man not to challenge Arnox, and gain his freedom another way. Ezmon ignored the warning. The battle went poorly, Arnox brought the young Human to his knees and slit his throat.   Angered by this cruel act, Brerenax challenged Arnox to battle. The fight was ferocious and only near the very end did Arnox gain the upper hand. Just before Arnox could land the death blow, the crowd began chanting "live, live, live" and Arnox reluctantly spared Brerenax's life. Brerenax never challenged Arnox again, but he never forgot the Goliath who slew his friend Ezmon.   While Brerenax was in the Feywild he makes a deal with the Fey that they would "remove any obstacle in his way so he and Aela could be together" During the reveal of Aela having a family and her husband Garrus in Ethios, Garrus told Aela he had been feeling sick the past few days. Worried he was responsible Brerenax confronted Queen Peoni with his suspicions. She exclaimed with glee yes it was because of the pact. Discouraged by the news Brerenax asked if there was any way to back out or change the terms of their arrangement. Queen Peoni was confused and offended by his reaction, to a fey it is common and normal for things like this to happen. It was also what he asked for. She said a new agreement would have to be made of equal or more value than the first. Brerenax confided this news with Alcath and together they decided not to tell the rest of the party.   While is Ethios Brerenax was falsely accused of kidnapping and disturbing the peace by a Elven woman named Karen. During the trial, he met the Ancient Silver Dragon Hadaronos The Shining Tempest during his final remarks Brerenax insulted the Dragon and his city and as punishment was put in jail for 3 days. Brerenax humbled wrote a Letter to the Dragon to apologize for his actions.   While traveling on The Nobel Road toward Quel the party was attacked by a group of Fey during a nights watch. The leader of the group blew a horn and the army retreated. When Brerenax inquired with Queen Peoni about the encounter she suggested it might be the counterpart to him. She referred to them as The Knight of the Wild Hunt. She enquired whom he has talked to about his knight status.   At the End of The Audtion Arc. Brerenax was sent a letter from Hadaronos from Ethios. It was a call to arms as tentions between in home city of Drakkenwall and Ethios has become hostile. He was enlisted to report to Ethios to help in the war effort as he swore fielty to The Shining Tempest in a Letter after his court appearance. As a result he says goodbye to the Circle of Six and travels back to the Silver City by the Bay with Aela Shepard who was also called.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Current Location
Date of Birth
19th of Novet
Year of Birth
198 VE 27 Years old
Lighter blue dragon Fins
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Turqoise Blue
Aligned Organization

Articles under Brerenax Minstrelson

Character Portrait image: by Nik English


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