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The Kalashtar

29/9 8:00
29/9 10:00

Mozakosh has a conversation about the Kalashtar with Randolfo

Moz asks about the Kalashtar. Randolfo is taken aback by the question. It throws him off guard, and he asks why. Moz says she is one and knows nothing about the Kalashtar or where they’re from, or anything. Randolfo says all he has is old information, really, really old information. But he could study up.
  Moz asks for what he remembers and also if he can research them. She wants to know where they are from, what happened to them when they made their exodus, and where she should start looking for them.
  The Kalashtar are a bilateral culture formed through union of humans and renegade spirits from the realm of dreams. The spirits are called the Quori, and they fled Dal Quor. An evil entity was formed in Dal Quor because of their absence, after many centuries. These good-aligned spirits entered into multi-generation contracts with humans because they cannot survive on their own in the material plane. The fragment of the Quori soul is within the Kalashtar individual, and they can remember, so the soul of the Quori is attached to a family lineage. So the family takes the Quori name. Moz’s Quori name is Kosh. If you meet another Kosh, they’re tied to that same family. The Quori gave up the ability to be individualistic, but the Quori doesn’t die when a Kalashtar dies because it lives in the rest of the family. The first mention was 1500 years ago, originally settled in Val Xora, then went north.
  Moz offers to get Randolfo access to the Lokenvale Athenium, but Randolfo isn’t sure if he wants to leave here and potentially expose the island.
  Randolfo closes by saying that there was a time when the Kalashtar were a lot more well-known because an event happened surrounding them, something pretty grimdark. You don’t see them often because they’re insular in their community.
  Moz asks about the evil entity in the dream realm, but Randolfo doesn’t quite recall. He thinks that the reason they sought refuge was that they were persecuted because of their beliefs, and they had differences with the rest of the Kalashtar. The Quori that stayed spoke about the Dreaming Dark. Randolfo offers to do more research if we go help him with the sidequests.

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