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Mozakosh (a.k.a. Moz, Mandragora)

From a very young age, "Moz" did not really know where she was from. She knows she is a race called Kalashtar and her people are not well know in the Albion Alliance. At a young age, a group of gnomes found her and brought her to The Lokenvale Athenaeum. The Athenaeum is the largest library in the Alliance the possession of knowledge is their top priority. She was raised there and taught about the importance of research, record keeping, and message delivery. The Gnomes are very secretive of their ways but because of the unknown origin of her race and people, they took her in to gain her trust. As they want the knowledge of her people. Moz has learned little from the books in the Athenaeum on the ways or origin of her people. She set out to find more information and return with her findings.   When she was young she found she had a connection to the earth and animals. The gnomes were wary of her powers and asked her not to use them in the Athenaeum. They did not want to put the books and scrolls in danger.   While at the Athenaeum she was studying quietly one day and a small Halfling named Gilly Button was hiding along the back wall. She befriended her and they soon became best friends. Soon, Gilly is curious about where Moz comes from convinced her to leave the Athenaeum to seek more info elsewhere.   The head of The Lokenvale Athenaeum is a grizzly Gnome named Lysse Lyrriman dSilvis She has been in charge for nearly 90 years. She is hard-nosed and direct.   After the Arevon Castle Arc, it was discovered that Moz had the gift required to identify and concentrate an Ancestral weapon from Shura.   After the Dragon Slayer Arc Mozakosh performed the ritual to consecrate 3 weapons for the group. Curvy (for Gilly) Blooming Thorn (for Estra) and a Mantle Armor for herself called Daemoria's Mantle.   Moz enquired from Gilderoy if he knew anything about creatures she remembered from her homeland. He told her it was a Clawfoot and is an island that some sailors spin tales of about large Lizard creatures that rule the island.   While in Ethios Moz met a Druid vendor selling exotic animals. She talked to a small male Flying Squirrel and decided he wanted to stay with her. The old druid woman let her go and she did accept payment for the animal. Moz named him Momo Chester McSquirrelington the Third.   Later she spoke to Andran the Silver King about her race he revealed there are tales of a group of humans that called themselves the Kalashtar and left Val Xora on a pilgrimage north. This was before the Dragon Wars and the Dragons came to Val Xora seeking sanctuary. He has not met anyone else claiming to be a Kalashtar.   While in the Feywild Moz asked Gwen if she knew anything about the Kalashtar. Gwen said she knows they come from Quoribados and the Kalashtar can not be "seen" or "tracked" like other mortals. They remain out of sight of the Fey. Gwen says the same thing about Mozakosh that she can not track her down or find her other than seeing her with her own eyes.   In the The Feywild Moz made a promise to swear fielty to King Oberon the Green Lord, Lord of Beasts. She gained a near-perfect ability to track and hunt something. When the party left the Feywild she discovered the power only was effective in the Feywild unless she took a greater oath.   While is Ethios a man in the village revealed that some 70 years ago a group of mind talkers like her traveled through these parts the leaders name was Razelkosh.   While in Greywater and visiting The Aislinn Tower Moz met with the Doyen Guidance leader of the House of Divination. He told her much about the potential origin of the Kalashtar people and her connection to Dal Quor - The Dreamscape. He read a passage where names are sacred to Kalashtar and the last part of the name has a connection to the spirit companion of the name bearer. He asked her if he could put her to sleep to test a ritual he read about in some research he has done earlier. While she was sleeping she dreamed for the first time she can remember. She dreamt of a Dark Triangle in the darkness with golden light leaking from the edges. Silhouetted in the light was a small female figure and the end of the dream she heard the word "Awake" As Moz awakens she realizes most of her life while she slept while there was a white noise of thousands of voices drowning out anything that was happening. Doyen Guidance is impressed with her connection and retrieves a deck of Tarot Cards for her to try out. Moz takes the cards and uses her intuition and tells The Doyen of Divination his future. Guidance tells her of his home Belari and confirms that she does have the gift of foresight and asks if she has any other connections of spirts or ancestors. He gifts her the Deck and wishes her well on her journeys.   During the Audition for The Troupe Moz discovers that Neville Sinclairr is also a Kalashtar and he does not know about his ancestry either. He has a note that he has carried with him since he can remember he has never been able to read it. Moz asks if she can read the letter and it’s in Quori. The letter says that “he (Neville) is special. Sorry to abandon you, but it’s the only way. If you can read this, you have the potential to save us all.” He gets excited about being able to save everyone but Moz realizes that she can read it but he cant so it is referring to her. Moz doesn’t know how she knows the language, but she does.   While in Rockshire Moz is met by an Half Orc Shaman he says it seems like she has the gift of the divine. Fumbling at his words she admits to be socially inept. Then he says she has the gift of seeing and pulls out a tarot deck. Moz connects that the reason she can anoint ancestral weapons and such might be due to her divine connection to the Dal Quor - The Dreamscape . She names some of the Black Fang Clan and pulls out her hero badge and the Half Orc brightens. He asks if anyone has blessed her cards. He’s going to bless her Major Arcana part of her deck. In the future, she’ll be able to pull three cards, and random (good stuff) might happen. He asks if Moz and Thuniel wanna come with him to consecrate the cards. In his room is a basin, blood, and stuff, and he does a ritual. The magical mist flows over the cards. It will let her use the cards in combat or cast divination.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Apparel & Accessories

Date of Birth
24th of Septa
Year of Birth
199 VE 26 Years old
Short Red Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Almost White Skin
5' 4"
120 lbs
Aligned Organization

Articles under Mozakosh


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