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Return to The Silver City by the Bay


31/5 20:00

The party ask Queen Titania to send them back to Ethios. When the arrived the party finds themselves 2 memebers short. Aela and Brerenax are not with the rest of the party. Alcath, Moz, Caia and Gilly do some shopping and set out to find their lost party members in the Silver City by the Bay. Gilly can see fairy tales and the party investigators some creatures and missing children with help from the Silver Corp.

The party finds themselves outside the City of Ethios when they arrive in the city. They travel across Rad Park and through the Plata Gate to find an Inn on the other side of Town in the Rootstock.
They get rooms in The Wandering Rest owned by Laras and Alexus a Mother and Son Amethyst Dragonborn Family. While being led to their rooms Alexus confides in his mother of seeing a Musk Stalker roaming near the Inn at night. The mother did not seem worried about his concern.
That night while resting Gilly is awoken by a horrific clicking and growling outside the window. As she investigates in the mists of the night air she can vaguely make out a dog-like shape stalking in the night just in the side of her vision. As she looked to see what was there it was instantly gone. When the other woke and tried to investigate it was as though the beast fled and there was no trace to be found.
The next day after a bit of shopping in the Asimi Fair and the Lower Garden the party investigated what the beast could possibly be. They questioned Alexus and others to find out the Musk Stalkers are fairy tales told to children to keep them in line.
Worried why Gilly could see them they went to the library and found some more information. Children will often see the creature but Adults know they are just a tale because they can see them or have no memory of ever seeing one as a child. They also discovered that in the last 4 years a rise in children going missing has occurred not only in Ethios but in many other parts of the world.
Later that night the party set up a night watch. The mist rolls in and the beast are heard outside the window during Gilly and Caias watch. When a light noise is made Gilly can hear the Musk Stalker coming closer. Afraid to make a sound she stays away from the window while Caia investigates. Caia can not see or hear anything. She has to trust Gilly but she is too afraid to make a noise to alert the creature.
In a frantic gesture, Gilly reaches out the Moz's mind link to wake her up and tell her what is happening. Moz then reaches out to Alcath with her mind link and with everyone awake the party lies frozen as the beast's noises grow louder in Gilly's ears.
With all the courage the halfling can muster she gets closer to the window and discovers the beast is perched right next to the window searching and smelling for something.
Alcath knowing there is a creature casts Fairy Fire and then two Musk Stalker beasts appear crash through the window and attack the party. As they strike down each of the invisible creatures their bodies fizzle and decay away as they perish until one of Moz's Constrictor Snakes bites a chuck out of the Musk Stalker and Gilly takes it. She is the only one that can see the piece of the hide.
Laras the Innkeeper comes to find out what is going on. She questions the party and calls the guards to help investigate. A Silver Dragonborn "Kelkesh" and Half-elf "Samson" come and interiogate the party. Alcath takes a moment to see if a portal plain is open somewhere near by and discovers there is a portal open somewhere about a mile North of the city. The Guards then patrol the area for more creatures and the party finishes there rest.
The next morning a Captian of the Sivler Corp Paxton meets them at the Inn and asks them to come talk to the Elven High Captain Norric. Together they decide to investigate further the portal. High Captian Norric ask a member of the Silver Corp name "Ricky" Ricalavor to accomany the party and investingate.

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