Archlich Daravan

Archlich of the Stars, Daravan Ezekiel Norien (a.k.a. Dar)

One of the Students of Vecna, Records show that Daravan was upon the Moon of Minura when the Purge War began and there is no record he ever left.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to the Age at which he ascended to Lichdom, Daravan appeared as an older human man, albeit one in extremly capable physical condition.   His Lich form was simple, a skeletal figure with few adornments and dressed in simple robes.

Specialized Equipment

Daravan's Ring of the Undying was the first created and was a Black Iron band set with a glorious Ruby. This ring was observed by Klexia Andronas when she attempted to view the surface of Minura when it was noticed that the Lunar Body was warping under Gravitational Force.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daravan was orphaned at a young age by a Warmaster in a long forgotten nation of the Old World. He escaped with his life and lived on the streets, wasting away until he was found by the, at the time, Archmage Vecna. The Aged Wizard took pity upon the boy and took him under his wing, educating him in the ways of magic and granting him use of his private study. As Daravan grew he became a notorious force, often enforcing Vecna's will in neighboring Countries and leaving them to ruin.

One notable example was the Nation of Handarlan, a prosperous jungle city and on the edge of a vast desert. He unleashed the flame of the Elemental Plane of Fire upon the Nation after it started a war that spanned several neighboring nations. When the flames dispersed after several months the Nation of Handarlan, its Jungles and the People within, had been reduced to ashes.

Daravan served as Vecna's chief assistant in his search for Lichdom and eventually Archlichdom. He was the First to ascend to Archlichdom and he continued to serve Vecna throughout his immortal life. When Archlich Vissera was born to Vecna and Esther Bitteroot, Daravan often avoided the girl, uncomfortable with her presence. When she reached Lichdom herself, the two were forced to work together more closely and eventually ended up forming a siblingesque relationship, bickering constantly when together but immensley protective of one another.   As the Purge War loomed in the distance, Daravan was assigned to the moon of Minura. He had long wished to settle into a remote domain and study the stars and distant Celestial bodies but his work constantly demanded more of him. After Vissera was nearly destroyed, Vecna ordered Daravan onto Minura to observe ways to stabilize the Moon and study the Stars. Though Daravan wished to avenge his sister and claim her Ring of the Undying from her killer, he obeyed. He has remained upon the Lunar body ever since.


Archlich Daravan

Adoptive Brother

Towards Archlich Vissera


Archlich Vissera

Adoptive Sister

Towards Archlich Daravan


Divine Classification
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archlich of the Stars
The Watcher of Minura
The Son of Vecna
The Ruin of Handarlan
The Flame of Death
The Torch of Elysium
Parents (Adopting)
Archlich Vissera (Adoptive Sister)
Current Residence
Daravan's Tower
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun Tanned
175 lbs.
Vecna, The Whispered One


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