Archlich Vissera

Goodbye Father. Goodbye Mother. I will live the life you gave me to its fullest.

Archlich Vissera Ralene Bitteroot (a.k.a. Vizzy)

The Youngest of the Archliches, Vissera was slain by the Memori Lich, Aledric, and her Ring of the Undying was stolen by him. Following his banishment she resisted his efforts to overpower her mind. Now she resides in a remembrance of her Tower within the Ring.

Divine Domains

While Vissera is a Demigod by birth she has never shown an interest in wielding said power.


The Weapon she wields was crafted by her parent's to aid her in enhancing her spellcraft and allowing her to defend herself.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Her body is mostly skeletal though she covers it with armor, her face remains one of the few pieces to retain flesh from her disease. After being revived by her Father she has gained the ability to assume a more human form.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vissera was born to Vecna, The Whispered One and the Witch Esther Bitteroot. The two had been carrying on a lengthy romance and Vissera was brought into the world as a surprise, but a welcome one. She was born a frail and near stillborn child, and even with her parent's great power she was only barely saved. Following her birth and a lengthy period of concern, she grew into a intelligent and quite hyperactive child. Her mother had been cursed and was unable to remain to care for her, though she did visit frequently to see her dear daughter. Vecna for his part balanced his duties as a keeper of Knowledge and a Father quite handedly, always willing to answer Vissera's questions.   As she grew older it became apparent that Vissera had great potential to assist her father as an Archlich, though Vecna despised this plan. He was however given no chance to argue when a disease within her made itself apparent, rotting her body from the inside out. At the age of 24 she became the youngest individual in history to embrace Lichdom, under her Father's close supervision. Following her ascension she began to work with the other Archliches and to assist her father more directly. Her plans were however dashed when a former lover, Aledric, returned to try and be with her. When she declined he slew her and claimed her Ring of the Undying for himself. Enraged at the loss of their daughter, Esther and Vecna directed the Adventuring Party known as The Dark Pillars to Aledric and while the group proved unable to kill him, Caspian Arterian banished him to the Elemental Plane of Water where he resided with his precious ring until it was retrieved by The Chaotic Seven.   Vissera has been a passenger alongside Klexia for much of her Journey and now has been revived by her Father as his final act of divinity. Freed from the ring which she spent Fourteen Millenia trapped in, she has resolved to follow her Father's Successor and aid her in mission. With Selena Darke bound to Gravehollow, only she and Ashara remain able to travel the world.


Archlich Daravan

Adoptive Brother

Towards Archlich Vissera


Archlich Vissera

Adoptive Sister

Towards Archlich Daravan


Divine Classification
Archlich Demigod
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Following Klexia Andronas
2,489 (At Time of Death) 17,023 (Including Mental Imprisonment)
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Esther Bitteroot and Vecna after a long affair. Raised by Vecna.
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Lich Aledric
The Black Library, Vecna's Divine Plane
Archlich Daravan (Adoptive Brother)
Current Residence
Dragon's Claim Keep
Icy Blue
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
110 lbs.
Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


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