Esther Bitteroot

Esther Bitteroot is a Kindly old stranger to some and a force of terror for others. She has appeared throughout history with a troupe of misfits and Outcasts and when she appears she always signals trouble on the horizon, usually close to where she is. She has been alive longer than most of the Gods and has orchestrated the downfall of more than one. She always appears when tulmultuos events are brewing leading many to believe she is responsible for them, though she denies this.   She has a knack for ending up in places where she should not reasonably be able to enter such as
1) The Throne Room of Asmodeus (Where she was notably unaffected by any of the powers of the Devil King)
2) The Black Monastery of Vecna (When asked how she entered she responded with 'I taught that boy everything he knows, of course I can get in)
3) Mount Celesnya (Even further refuting her claim of being a Night Hag as she would be unable to enter the Heavens)
4) The Far Realm (While this was confirmed by Vecna he refused to elaborate how she proved this only saying 'She did, trust me.' with a haunted expression)
  Verifiable list of achievents and Feats:
1) Dumped an Oceans worth of Water into the Hells from the Elemental Plane of Water
2) Has viewed the future more than any other mortal being (Mortal being Questionable)
3) Bottled a Star (Contents were verified by Lord Vecna. When asked she responded 'Well I needed some way to see at night')
4) Defeated a minor God during the opening months of the Purge War by Quote 'Turning him into a mouse and throwing him into the astral sea, because he insulted my boy'

Unverified list of Acheivements:
1) Scolded Asmodeus for not ridding the world of the Abyss (Doubtful) in a different hand written verified undersigned as Vecna
2) Claims to be Responsible for the Elder God Cthulu's current Slumber
3) Claims to be from the Far Future where travel among ths Stars is possible (Such a Thing is not Possible or Lord Vecna would have unraveled the secrets of it by now)
4) Claims to have taught the first Hag her magic (DOUBT)
5) Claims to have had Tea with Titania Queen of the Archfey (Uncertain)
6) Claims to have a Kraken in a Jar (Doubtfu- The rest of the page is covered in what looks like water marks and ink

  • From the Notes of Archivist Gelfar, Personal Assistant to Lord Vecna
  • Relationships

    Vecna, The Whispered One


    Towards Esther Bitteroot

    Esther Bitteroot


    Towards Vecna, The Whispered One

    Age: Minimum 20,000 years
    Species: Hag of indeterminate species (Claims to be a Night Hag)
    Occupation: Future Reader, Traveling healer, Agent of Chaos
    Romantic Partners: NO
    Aliases (Known): Baba Yaga, Auntie Esther, Granny Esther, The Monster of Morg Gal, The Architect of the End Times (Specifically by Garn Zoren)


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