Dragon's Claim Keep

A Gathering of Dragons such as this has not been seen since the Death of Bahamut. We shall see if they can avoid killing one another. - Warmaster Eli Ashdew

Home of the Chaotic Seven and their families, Dragon's Claim Keep serves as the only settlement within the "Nation" of Dragonholme.

Purpose / Function

The Keep was intended by Esther Bitteroot to act as a fortress for those she saw would oppose the Rogue Druid Azerian. She enlisted the expertise of the Imperial God of the Forge in its construction and entrusted him with its secrecy and construction. While the God only constructed the main keep, he built several dozen golems that were given the ability to construct structures and furnishings with his level of skill.
Founding Date
Owning Organization
Related Report (Secondary Locations)

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