The Obsidian Atheneum

A collection of tomes and scrolls filled with knowledge of the past and now training those who will defend it, under the Grandmistress Herself.

A monastery constructed on the Mountainside within the Valley, this remote structure is a place of meditation, learning and training. Cian Lamplier and a few others, Namely Mareena Lamplier and Olgraf Elderscale, oversee the training of those who wish to learn and when not occupied with training, they study what tomes and other materials they have to address the current situation of the world.   The Structure itself is large, mostly due to the existing structure that had been in place previously as a lookout and a dam to keep the lake within the Valley from flooding. The construction Golems simply used the existing buildings to create this massive structure.   Olgraf has begun contacting Masters of other Libraries and Monasteries, hoping to supply this new location with Knowledge to help in whatever way he can.   When Obyssia arrived at the keep without Cian she settled into the Atheneum and began to organize the Monastery to her specifications. She put up wards around sections of the structure to prevent The Moon Haven from copying more sensitive materials. She also made the preparations to have correspondence for her to be delivered to the Atheneum, as she has no plans on leaving.   The Monastery has begun accepting applicants for training, with only a handful of students at present being trained by Obyssia herself. These students were spared Trajan's wrath when the Elder Monk appeared within the Monastery, thanks to the Intervention of Mareena Lamplier to protect them.

Purpose / Function

The Atheneum holds within it a vast collection of tomes from the records of the Obsidian Soul order of monks. They are sworn
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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