Nalian Mar Cesier, Goddess of Storms

Wipe clean the old and rotting. Send it down to be consumed in the Depths. The Storms will clean the Slate of civilization to start anew.

Goddess of Storms Nalian Mar Cesier (a.k.a. The Living Storm)

The Goddess of Storms was once an Elder Marid but ascended as part fo a ritual with her Husband. The Pair are Chaos made manifest and their followers follow a creed of Destruction when Stagnation occur. They have a shared following within a single church and their daughter serves as their Herald.

Divine Domains

Nalian possesses the Domains of Air, Water, Death, Lightning and Passion.


During her life as Marid Nalian wielded a pair of scimitars known as Sky Cutter and Wave Carver. They now reside within the Maelstrom but she bestows them on her Champions when they prove themselves powerful enough to command chaos incarnate. The Blades are also known to be used by her daughter, Naraxus, on occasion.

Holy Books & Codes

While her church does not keep Books, their faith is maintained through Oral Tradition, they do follow a code.   1. Cleanse Rot wherever you find it. 2. Allow rebirth and New Life to flourish, no matter their form. 3. Give way to your emotions and follow your heart.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Nalian and Gattaxus' divine symbol is a pair of Crossed Scimitars with Tentacles below them.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

She and her husband maintain no longterm goals other than the continued progression of the world. They destroy and remake any form of stagnation they find and their followers do the same.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nalian''s body varies with her mood. She can appear as a beautiful mermaid or as simply a Marid, or at least a genie like creature. Her Mermaid form is her most prominent and the one her followers most closely associate with her.

Mental characteristics


While Nalian is the Wife of Gattaxus, the two are known to be promiscuous with mortals and their myriad children show traits of both parents regardless of which parent concieved them.

Intellectual Characteristics

Nalian was, in her time as a "Mortal" a brilliant leader and accomplished warrior. She commanded the Silver Fleet for Centuries and was among the most powerful Genies acoss the Elemental Planes. She has retained this intellect in her Divine form and expanded upon it. Her storms are designed with a purpose each, she has washed away entire villages in deluges that last for days, Winds with the power to shear rocks from the sides of cliffs and storms that will eradicate everything beneath them in lightning.   She is not a cruel Goddess and unlike her husband she does not employ monsters to perform her duties. If Mortals whether her storms then she will leave them be, as they will have proved their resolve and dedication to life.


Nalian Mar Cesier, Goddess of Storms


Towards Gattaxus, Lord of the Depths

Gattaxus, Lord of the Depths


Towards Nalian Mar Cesier, Goddess of Storms

Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Mother of Monsters
The Stormbringer
Grandmother Gale
The Storm Matron
Lady of the Tempest
Pale Blue
Either Liquid water or Pale Ble waist length water
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Blue
500 lbs.

Articles under Nalian Mar Cesier, Goddess of Storms


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