
My entire life has been spent in chains and servitude.I would not trade one set of shackles for another. I would wish to soar among th skies, free and unbothered.


A Red Dragon hatched and raised in the City of Brass and the Biological father of Gilroy Ashdew.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hatched within the City of Brass, Halvreth was taken from his sires within hours of emerging from his egg. He was taken by a wealthy human within the city and treated as a serving boy, often whipped and beaten for any slight error he made in his duties. He worked most often in the kitchens of his master's home, preparing dishes and delivering them to his master and his master's guests.   When his original master passed away he was given to his master's eldest daughter, who mistreated him far more than her predeccessor. She would force him to kneel before her in front of guests and would throw or pour the food he had prepared upon him if it did not meet her impossible standards on top of the beatings and floggings he had suffered under his first master. When Halvreth was fifty his mistress met an unfortunate end, somehow a small amount of poison had found its way into her evening tea and leaving her dead before dawn.   When his mistress passed Halvreth was given to her brother, one of his original master's sons, and it was here he met Dracina. She was a fellow Red Dragon who had been purchased by their master. The two found solace in each others company, finally having another who could share their pain. The two became fast friends and eventual lovers. When their master discovered this he was pleased to no end. Their first clutch of eggs he had his men claimthem when the two were hurrying through their duties. When they returned to find the eggs stolen Dracina flew into a rage and attempted to fight the guards of their master's estate to demand answers. She was subdued and beaten within an inch of her life while Halvreth was restrained and forced to watch. Their master informed them that the clutch of eggs had been sold at auction already, and that he hoped for more in the future.   The Pair of Dragons grew ever more creative in the ways they attempted to conceal their future clutches of eggs from him. They were few and far between but each time the pair had a clutch they hid them with ever greater fervor. Each time they were met with Failure. In nearly two centuries the pair had only a total of five clutches of eggs and each time their masters claimed the eggs. The Last clutch contained five eggs and they were taken only weeks before the Rebellion within The City of Brass that led to the pair being freed in the chaos.   Once freed Halvreth and Dracina, along with many other red dragons fled to the Material Plane, where they were greeted by Imperial Steel as they emerged above the battlefield between the Empire and the The Alliance. Hounded from both sides by weaponry, the dragons fled to the North as Dracina felt a presence calling her there. She led the Horde of Dragons to the Great Wyrm Dartag where all who had followed her pledged themselves to the Great Wyrm in order to be protected by the monstrous dragon.   Halvreth and Dracina grew distant following their pledge to the Great Wyrm, for he wished merely to be free and not under the claw of another master. He hunts to earn his place under the Great Wyrm but no more than is required. He spends his time dwelling upon the peaks of the now collapsed ruins of the Roost.




Towards Halvreth




Towards Dracina


Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


Towards Halvreth




Towards Zefer Ashdew, Archangel of Light


Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
5th of Sinstra
Year of Birth
1805 EP 969 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a pair of unknown Red Dragons and taken shortly after hatching
The City of Brass
Dracina (Mate)
Short Brown Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red Scales/ Tanned Skin
5'9" or 18'11"
140 lbs. or 12 Tons
Ruled Locations


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