Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni

I still think I'm missing something with the runes Orgos. My enchantments don't really function exactly like I think they should.... Maybe I missed something.

Gilroy Alkalos Ashdew- Irefni (a.k.a. Gil)

A Red Dragon who's egg was saved from death by Zefer Ashdew in the City of Brass.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gilroy is bright eyed child. He is ever curious and seeks new things constantly. While he took to attempting Lockpicking under his Mother's Guidance, he is a bit of a blunt object in these matters. He does handle things with as much grace as his siblings, preffering to use his strength to force things.   He is very interested in Alizain and Kartalos, as they are similar to him, though neither of them seem prticularly fond of him. Kartalos does not care for his constant noise and interuptions while he is attempting to study and Alizain prefers her more underhanded endeavors which Gilroy is not particularly well suited for as he is honest to a fault.

Gilroy has found a talent for the mechanical by spending time in Shizani's lab, making small clockwork contraptions out of scrap he collects from the Smiths. Shizani is proud to have at least one of her children interested in her area of expertise. Gilroy does not have Shizani's expertise in potion making but he does have a mind for machines and tinkering.   He has been alternating between tinkering in Shizani's lab and spending days within the Fel-Harmonic Festival. He apparently has made a friend with a young girl named Ykiza within the Festival, as she seems to share his interest in Artificer Magics and skills.   With Ykiza and Gilroy spending much time in Shizani's Workshop they have become quite the productive duo, with Gilroy's previously simple creations rapidly improving into more and more complex creations. He has been able to make a small mechanical dragon that rides upon his shoulders.   Ykiza and Gilroy have been assissting the Scaless dragon Karieed in her search for a way to live without pain from every touch. So far they have had limited success in their endeavors. While they have made her able to not experience pain, their solution has nealry deadened her sense of touch and this they cannot stand. Thus have the pair of Artificers endeavored to find a solution to this quandry while teaching Karieed the ways of Artificer Magic so that she may contribute as well.   This project has the three of them working in close proximity to one another and while Ykiza and Gilroy generally do not like others being near them they seem more than fine to be so in one anothers company. It started at first with Ykiza and Gilroy disappearing from the Workshop together and they have now become a regular sight together throughout the Keep, most recently with Karieed joining them as well. The trio is not shy about their enjoyment of eachother's company and while Karieed can ill afford to travel about without her protective armor, they have managed to slim down their design so that is no less cumbersome than metal armor, a fact for which she is thankful.   Ykiza has been copying their older sister's habits of disappearing into the Starlight Grove with their friends, though their time in the grove is also accompanied by neurotic work on their projects. Though they do leave time for more... romantic activities among the three of them.   Gilroy has been hard at work since the Attack on the Keep, fashioning simple prosthetics for those who were grievously harmed and helping his mother repair the damage and brew potions. He has been quite happy since meeting his father, the two get along well and despite their diverging interests they always have soemthing to talk about.   When Ykiza returned to the Keep after being injured by Acren and Shinryu, Gilroy became frustrated by his inability to help her. He could not brew a potion, weave a spell or craft anything which could help her recover. His work on other projects ground to a halt and he can often be seen alone in his workshop constantly reworking projects out of frustration. Karieed and Ykiza both can't seem to get through to him and Shizani's atttempts to help him met with little success. Halvreth seems to have made some connection but Gilroy still stubbornly refuses help.   While Gilroy was upset and angrily focused on his projects when he heard Tali had been taken, since her return he seems to have calmed down. He and Orgos have been hard at work trying to plan how to create Suyuzu's mechanical prosthetic, a task they were aided by Klexia in, and they have been spending time together since Orgos and Jadyn have been having a fight. Ykiza and Karieed have been staying with him at the Dragon's Den and seem fine with him spending more time with Orgos.

Gender Identity

While Gilroy almost exclusiveley presents as a boy, he did assume a feminine form once at his sister's insistence, though due to some teasing from Tali he has not returned to this form.


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni



Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister (Important)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas




Ashara interacted with her adoptive Brother very little when he first hatched, she was often occupied with Kenina and Kartalos. After awhile she began to spend more time around Shizani and by extension Gilroy, who was nearly always within his Mother's lab. Ashe hardly understood his interest in clockwork creations and often melted them with her hell fire for amusement. Gilroy would not cry or throw a fit but begin reconstructing his creations from the molten slag, using his breath to heat the metal and reshape it with the tools within the lab or his own hands.   When Ashara had matured more, she apologized to Gilroy for her actions and is now more protective of him. She understands he likes the quiet of working in the workshop and if she sees anyone causing him problems she will often scare them off. When she is in the workshop with Shizani and Gilroy she can often be seen helping him melt down scrap.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ashara's Nicknames: The Destroyer, Forge hands and Big Sister.   Gilroy's nicknames: Little Red, The architect and Little Brother.

Legal Status


Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Brother

Towards Kenina Ashdew-Irefni


Kenina Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister

Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni


Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Brother

Towards Tali Ashdew-Irefni


Tali Ashdew-Irefni

Adoptive Sister

Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni



Partner (Important)

Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni



Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni

Partner (Important)

Towards Karieed



Ykiza Eld


Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni


Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni


Towards Ykiza Eld


Fenrys The Traveler

Half Brother

Towards Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni


Gilroy Ashdew-Irefni

Half Brother

Towards Fenrys The Traveler


Class: Battle Smith Artificer
Parents (Adopting)
Karieed (Partner)
Ykiza Eld (Partner)
Ashara "Ashe" Andronas (Adoptive Sister)
Kenina Ashdew-Irefni (Adoptive Sister)
Tali Ashdew-Irefni (Adoptive Sister)
Fenrys The Traveler (Half Brother)
Mid Length Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red Scales
98 lbs.


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