Hope Seyrun

Why would we fight when conversation is so much more productive? Here, allow me to sing you a song....

Hope Everlight Seyrun

A Tiefling Bard who has traveled far and Wide to see the world and bring the light of her namesake wherever she can, she is an exceptionally kind and caring individual.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hope is of average build, height and weight for someone of both her species and age, though her regime of performances keeps her decent athletic ability. She is capable of using her tail as an extra limb capable of holding items or playing certain insturments such as drums or tambourines, though it is notable that her tail is of extra length for someone of her size.

Facial Features

Hope maintains her looks very well, using a limited amount of easily portable makeup she is able to keep eyes upon her at all times. She has learned well from her various mentors the best ways to accentuate her features.

Identifying Characteristics

Her left arm was lost during a naval battle during her time in the Sunfire Archipelago, a stray cannonball took it off and she had a temporary proshetic until she made her way to Gnomengraad and had a true replacement fashioned by the artificers there.

Special abilities

Her Father's spirit is bound to her, offering her a degree of protection and the ability to heal from most injuries within minutes if given time to rest.

Apparel & Accessories

Hope carries at any given time: A Tambourine, A set of three collapsible drums given to her by Vinalmo Efrezi, A silver flute given to her by Yin Lian, A Violin she purchased within Visturan while passing through the Empire and a set of bells that she purchased in Gnomengraad.   She can also be seen with a Rapier at ehr side, though she never draws it. It's point is blunted.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hope was brought to the Temple of Sarissa in Everlight as a newborn by her dying father, who was a paladin of the goddess. He had only the strength to tell them her name and to plead with the priests to take her in before he expired. The Tiefling child was indeed taken in after Sarissa herself gave the dying paladin a chance to protect his daughter, she bonded a piece of his soul to the child as a protective spirit, allowing him to guard her always.   Hope was raised as a child of great interest, she had been personally blessed by the goddess and surely would be called upon to do great things. They taught her all of Sarissa's Scripture and prayers, the creed to care for the sick and injured and taught her in the ways of both magical and non magical healing. By the age of ten she was a capable healer in her own right, rivaling the priests of the temple, though her heart called for something else, beyond the confines of the church. She would often sneak out of the temple at night to venture to the City's taverns to hear the ministrels sing their songs and perform their shows. One night she was offered the chance to play within one of the shows and she happily agreed. There, performing dance's in front of crowd seeing all of the joyful faces she felt something stir within her and she was never the same after that day. She chose to study the ways of the ministrel over her priestly education, to the chagrin of her adoptive family who looked down upon such practices.   It was after an unfortunate incident that she left the temple. One of her fellow wards of the temple, a young half elf woman who had been taken in as an orphan from imperial raids, had been making romantic advances towards her and the two spent a night together near the edge of the city, overlooking the Great Tree. It was nearly perfect, with it being ruined when she spoke to her partner of running away to join a troupe that was traveling through the city. Her partner tried to convince her to stay and, in a moment of jealousy towards Hope, attempted to draw a dagger upon her to prevent her from leaving. Hope escaped, the tip of one of her horns missing and a jagged wound along her shoulder but alive. She ran back to the temple and found that her partner had beaten her there, a wound of her own running along her arm. She accused Hope of attempting to kill her and after a series of questions it was deemed Hope was the culprit, her Fiendish Heritage being the deciding Factor. Hope was set to be hanged until death for attempted murder and the day she went to the Gallows was the day she finally snapped.

As she was held in the the noose she let loose a slew of Celestial Curses, calling the priests false in their faith for being willing to kill a child with no evidence before switching to Infernal speech to say she hoped Asmodeus claimed them all. As she finished her rant, her holy Symbol glowed white before shattering and the Goddess Sarissa manifested from the fragments.

The Goddess spoke of Hope's innocence and freed the girl from her execution, only having enough power to manifest for a moment, she gave Hope a necklace adorned with symbols of Protection and good fortune. The Goddess vanished with a warning for those who claimed to be her followers, anyone who would order the death of a Child should cast themselves from her temple. The Goddess vanished in a burst of golden light and Hope was allowed to leave the city unharmed. She joined with the Troupe that she had planned to flee with and spent the next few years learning the ways of Bardic Magic and the arts of Song and Dance.

After nearly five years of travel she seperated from the group and made her way south, to the Court of Duke Vinalmo Efrezi of Moromel to perform for him. During her time in his court she grew to be well liked by the Duke and the members of his Court to the point where Vinalmo offered a place to her in his Court, an honor offered very very rarely to those outside of Elven Blood. She turned the offer down but remained within his court to study what he knew of Bardic Magic fromt he Elven God Corellon. She left the Duke aboard the Vessel of the Pirate Queen Yin Lian during one of the captain's many visits to Vinalmo's estate.

She stayed aboard the Vessel for nearly two years acting as both a Doctor for the Crew and as an entertainer. Yin attempted to convince her to stay but again she turned the Queen down as she moved back to dry land. The next few years saw her venturing to the Eastern Land of Moledar and crossing the Badlands to Gnomengraad and after a series of escapedes, getting a job asssting a group of adventurers on a mission to find a lost expedition in the Underdark. They ended up captured by a group of mind flayers and taken to their Hive where Hope was nearly turned into one of the Aberrations before being freed by a timely distraction from the Chaotic Seven. After escaping the Hive with the Group she has elected to stay within their keep doing what she can to assist them.


Asexual (Trauma Induced)
Aromantic (Trauma Induced)


Educated within the Temple of Sarissa within Everlight by the priests. All other experiences are World taught.


Currently she resides at Dragon's Claim Keep, serving as a form of personal penance and assisting the residents as she can. She is frequently found caring for Veneara the Crystal Dragon when Mareena Lamplier is otherwise occupied and otherwise can be found assisting Aldusa Vaermina in her diplomatic endeavors, though the two spend more time together bonding over their shared outlandishness to many who reside within the keep.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Hope was given a chance to prove herself within the court of Vinalmo Efrezi and her youthful enthusiasm along with her natural affinity for music impressed the Duke enough that he offered her a place within his court, an offer that she turned down in exchange for freedom to roam, though she did study magic under him for a time. While the Duke was disheartened at her refusal she continues to have his favor and she makes occasional visits to his estate to perform new songs for him.

Failures & Embarrassments

While exploring the Underdark in an effort to locate a lost expedition from Gnomengrad, She and her party of adventurers were captured by a Mind Flayer Hive. She was nearly turned before a timely distraction from The Chaotic Seven allowed her a chance to free herself. She feels she owes a manner of debt to the adventurer group and has been staying at their keep as a form of repayment, she has assisste members of the keeps council with her varied experience.

Mental Trauma

Hope has had quite the life of adventure and intrigue, from tricking noblemen into showing her evidence of their crimes to traversing the underdark, though some of it has left its mark upon her more than others. She has a photographic memory and she avoids stimuli that cause her to relive bad memories.   She cannot bring herself to harm others through any form of physical violence. Weaponry and the feeling of weapons piercing flesh bring back memories of some of the scenes she has witnessed, covered in blood and gore that she has no desire to relive. As such she carries weapons only as a means of projecting an air of defense, rather than for any actual use.   She avoids the Carnal Comforts of the world and prefers to keep company with song or simple music than any form of embrace. She has turned down more than a dozen nobles and broken the hearts of many a young bard in exchange for the many nights of song and cheer that she has experienced in her travels.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hope has a Perfect Memory, she can remember anything she has seen, heard, felt or done within her life and while many a wizard would see this ability as exceedingly useful it can be a window into past trauma as givent he wrong stimuli she can relive when she was nearly ahnged at the gallows, feel the cutting of her horn or a wound she suffered in the past. It is for this reason, and others, that Hope prefers not to fight and why she refuses to engage in intimacy, as it triggers memories of pain.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Sweets, Music, Insturments, Healers and Plays   Dislikes: Flirting, Demons, Violence

Virtues & Personality perks

Humour, Mercy, Redemption

Vices & Personality flaws

Pride and Gluttony


Very Clean and Well Maintained


Contacts & Relations

Yin Lian - Hope served aboard the Pirate Queen's Ship for nearly two years as both Doctor and Entertainer

Vinalmo Efrezi - Hope impressed the Duke and earned his Favor


Aldusa Vaerima

Wife (Vital)

Towards Hope Seyrun



Hope Seyrun

Wife (Important)

Towards Aldusa Vaerima



Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Hope Seyrun of the Efrezi Court of Moromel
Hope Seyrun Mistress of Music
Current Residence
Dragon's Claim Keep
Waist Length Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red Skin
138 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Dwarvish, Gnomish, Halfling and Giant.


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