Ilaxis, Goddess of Abominations

Oh Sister, you keep such wonderful secrets from the Mortals.... Why don't I share a few?

Goddess of Abominations, Ilaxis Andronas

The result of Fanatics who believed the Goddesses Klexia Andronas and Urgathoa to be the same entity under different names, Ilaxis bears the unique title of Hated by both Goddesses, who have attempted to be rid of her on several occasions.

Divine Domains

Ilaxis commands the Divine Domains of Undeath, Passion, Destruction, Knowledge, Abomination and Decay.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ilaxis appears as a Drow Woman wearing a traditional Witch's Hat decorated with skulls. Her robes are elegant but tattered and worn, adorned with pristine Raven Feathers.

When enraged, Ilaxis instead may appear as a rampagin beast or other warped abomination, she has appeared as an aspect of Rovagug, an Undead Titan, a Moon Hag and others in her time wandering the World. Her favorite form is that of a Rotting Undead Dragon,usually in the form of one of Klexia's family members to enrage the Elder Goddess and her Followers.

Specialized Equipment

Ilaxis wears a unique robe and Hat that she claims was given to her by a servant of the Raven Matron. The truth of this claim is a matter of constant debate.

She carries a Staff crafted for her by Zon-Kuthon himself, it allows her to draw energy directly from the Negative Energy Plane, no matter where she is across the planes. As such her power is never diminished unless she is without the Staff, which she has never been seen without.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ilaxis was born from a cult who worshipped both Klexia Andronas and Urgathoa as the same being, a single Goddess of Undeath. She emerged with little warning and transformed her fledgling followers into abominations, granting them power and herself amusement. It is unknown exactly how the cultists managed to create a Goddess purely from their own belief but is believed that the God Zon-Kuthon had a hand in her creation as the two work closely together and the speed with which Ilaxis found the Dark Prince after her creation.

Following her first encounter with the Midnight Lord, Ilaxis traveled to the largest churches of both Klexia and Urgathoa, crippling their high priests, Numiner Andronas and Sanya Soren respectivley, and warping those gathered within their temples. When Klexia and Urgathoa attempted to destroy her, the first and only time the two have ever worked together, she merely flicked aside their attacks and vanished, returning moments later with Tomes from Klexia's realm and Urgathoa's prized Pendant of Geb, a necromancy Relic from the now destroyed nation that she would bestow upon her followers. With a smile and curtsy she vanished, leaving the two Goddesses in stunned silence.

She has dispensed the knowledge in the tomes she took from Klexia to a handful of her followers, giving them the Knowledge to craft weapons from the Old World in the hopes of causing destruction and death for her amusement. Klexia's followers seek to reclaim these tomes and the knowledge within, an effort they are aided in by the Monks of the Cobalt Soul, and they have so far succeeded in reclaiming three of the Fourteen tomes Ilaxis stole. Urgathoa's Champions have so far failed to reclaim their lady's prize, though Urgathoa continues to plot Ilaxis' destruction.

Morality & Philosophy

Ilaxis cares about Morals as much as she does for Mortals. They are playthings meant to be toyed with and broken. Ilaxis' favorite passtime is to pick a random mortal and perform small acts to drive them to madness or ruin, most often both at once.

She cares for little, especially her own followers, with the only things to have ever truly enraged her have been attacks upon her Primary Temple and a single attempt by an Empyreal Lord to slay Zon-Kuthon. The Empyreal Lord in Question now resides in eternal Torment within the Shadowfell, tortured daily by Zon-Kuthon and Ilaxis.


Ilaxis, Goddess of Abominations


Towards Zon-Kuthon the Midnight Lord


Zon-Kuthon the Midnight Lord


Towards Ilaxis, Goddess of Abominations


Ilaxis, Goddess of Abominations

Sister Goddess

Towards Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge


Klexia Andronas, Goddess of Knowledge

Sister Goddess

Towards Ilaxis, Goddess of Abominations


Ilaxis, Goddess of Abominations

Sister Goddess

Towards Urgathoa the Pallid Princess


Urgathoa the Pallid Princess

Sister Goddess

Towards Ilaxis, Goddess of Abominations


Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Wife of Zon-Kuthon
The Sister of Undeath
Mother of Monsters
The Abomination Queen
The Mistress of Aberrations
Year of Birth
2297 EP 477 Years old
Urgathoa the Pallid Princess (Sister Goddess)
Glowing Embers
Stark White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Grey


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