Kaina Tevara

I lost Balvast... and it taught me something. Only those who follow the order of things live... And if I had continued to care about those two, I wouldn't have followed Orders. I couldn't care less what happens to them. - Duchess of Hell, Kaina Tevara

Her Former Humanoid Self

Duchess Kaina Nilver Tevara- Kasalla

A female Adult Red Dragon from the City of Brass who was purchased by an unknown Pit fiend, she is the mother of Kartalos and Alizain. Kaina was born into slavery in the city of Brass under the Fire Giant Lord, Algast Clavar. Her parent's were sold off and later killed within the first ten years of her life and she had few who shared more than a few years of her life as slaves were brought in and then sold off. It wasn't until she met Balvast that she had a constant in her life.

He was with her for centuries, in which they grew close. In an effort to convince her master to keep Balvast in his service Kaina revealed the extent of her knowledge, she had taught herself to read and write through observation of her masters. She offered her full and undivided attention and support with her intellect. Algast, ever the oppurtunist, agreed. Balvast was kept on and the two were allowed to remain close as Kaina was taught the ways of the Scribe and Archivist. She had to not only record all of Algast's business dealings but organize his records and handle his appointments. She was worked to the point of exhaustion daily, with her only respite being the few hours each night she could spend in Balvast's company.   As the years marched on Algast's health began to decline which was unheard of in Fire Giants, many assumed he had been poisoned or was simply slacking in his physical training. In truth he was suffering from an illness that drained his strength, and when the White Blight was unleashed upon the City of Brass, he succumbed after nearly three years of struggle. His waning health leading up to his contraction of the blight, allowed Kaina and Belvast extra time together which led to multiple clutches of eggs being born to them. Out of nearly four dozen eggs, the only children the pair managed to keep were Alizain and Kartalos.   Following her purchase by one of the servant's of the Hell Duke Casmodus, Kaina willingly let herself be subjected to the fires of the Hells, turning her from a simple Red Dragoness to something far more dangerous, A Dragoness with the ability to command Hellfire as well as her own modest understanding of magic. She now works directly under Casmodus, his closest ally and his greatest student. When Kartalos attempted to reach out to her she very bluntly explained that she no longer cared for either of her children, that they were simply a weight to hold her back from her true potential.


Kaina Tevara


Towards Balvast Tevara

Balvast Tevara


Towards Kaina Tevara

Divine Classification
Balvast Tevara (spouse)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale / Scorched Black Scales
150 lbs


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