Kartalos Andronas

Ashe came back and so will Elliot. We WILL bring him home, alive and well. This Azazel is going to regret ever laying eyes on him.

Hellfire Wyrm Kartalos Everin Andronas (a.k.a. Karty)

A Young Red Dragon Slave from the City of Brass. He and his Sister were purchased and freed by the Chaotic Seven. He is less withdrawn than his sister and has a humourous wit about him. He is very protective of Alizain and will do anything to keep her safe. When not occupied by tasks he can be seen watching others from a distance, whether studying them or keeping a wary eye open is unknown.   He was born in secret, his and his clutchmates hidden fromt he Giants by his parents. Though this did not stop the Giants from selling off his clutchmates after they were born. He watched as his siblings disappeared one by one, all to cover his owner's debts. As a result of this he developed a habit of joking with his master's if they were off to sell him next, which led to a remarkably clever wit for a slave.   His antagonistic attitude is born of a sort of Nihilism where he cares not for himself but will allow himself to be a shield for others he cares for. As a result of this he suffers from multiple crippling injuries that are not immediatley apparent apart from his crutch in his humanoid form.   He was not present during his father's escape attempt and did not witness his father's death but has been in denial about the event since he learned of it. He saw his father as an unshakeable, indomitable figure who could not be stopped, only stalled. To hear that his father was slain and so easily by one of the Giants is an unmistakeable slap back to the cruel reality he lives in.   He taught himself to read Giant and Infernal without his mother's guidance and enjoys anyone literature or books he can get his hands on, be they dry facts or novels. He also seems to understand magic, as he has a seemingly superior familiar that takes the form of a panther and acts as a form of comfort for him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His body was dramatically changed by his transformation into a Hellfire Wyrm. His once glittering Ruby Scales now take the form of dull Orange and Red scales interspersed with "Burnt" Blackened Ones. His physical form is also now much more robust, his body features much more muscle and tougher skin and scales than he previously did. It has also changed his humanoid forms to that of humanoid like tieflings, he retains horns in all his forms, his eyes are always a deep red and he cannot make himself look as weak as he once did.   While he does not often make use of his Female form, publicly, it has changed much in the way his usual humanoid body has.

Body Features

Heavily Scarred from whips and physical abuse. He tried to emulate his father and shield his sister from the abuse of their owners, and he succeeded in a sense. His body is warped, though it is not visible in his humanoid form for the most part. In his draconic form one can see the warping of his spin and the many many scars that mark his form, from some of his scales being blackend and burnt from brands to the long grooves in his body from spiked whips.   He is permanently crippled to the point of being nearly wholly unable to fly unassissted, a fact that apparently does not seem to bother him.   If asked about the scars he will make every attempt to change the subject.

Specialized Equipment

A crutch to help him walk - No longer

The Dragon Rustean Aldlith crafted him a collapsible cane to replace his rather clunky crutch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following his arrival at Dragon's Claim Keep he was rather reclusive and wished to not be disturbed. Despite this he was confronted by Klexia Andronos and after a long talk and emotional Venting, he has opened up to the other children at the Keep. He njoys the company of both Mevara Andronos and Ashe Ashdew, with Mevara aiding him in his magical studies and Ashe learning alongside him.   He has begun teaching the other children in spellcraft, with what little he knows more than them. He has been perusing all of the new Tomes that manifested in The Moon Haven's library, and he has studied a few of the Tomes Hand written by Archlich Vissera on Magical theory and application. He also has taken a few others of less... educational form.   His time is spent usually studying with Tereen or Numi, passing on what he knows to the others or spent in the company of Ashe and Mevara at The Fel-Harmonic Festival   Kartalos has taken an Interest in Graviturgy Magic, both as a concept and as a potential way for him to limit the struggles he faces with his disability. He has made some headway in this endeavor, as he has managed to relieve much of the pain that walking causes him by simply making his body lighter. He has been attempting to use this trick for longer and longer periods with noticeable improvements, though he has caused himself much pain when his concentration lapses.   Following Numiner's Death, he refused to come see her body. Instead he sequestered himself within the Library and dove into his studies as a distraction. Following a brief altercation with Shinryu Varag, Mevara fled to the Fel-Harmonic Festival and Kartalos and Ashara followed them. They spent days within attempting to calm their friend, to little success. Eventually Mevara did come around, choosing to have faith in Klexia.   He and Ashara were interupted in their efforts by Kenina Ashdew who used an incense given to her by Esther Bitteroot to reveal to them their future selves. Kartalos seems pleased with his future self, though something about his mood suggests dark days are ahead for the Red Dragon.   The trio spent the rest of their time within the Festival until they received word that The Chaotic Seven had returned. The three of them have become suspiciously close during this time.   When The Chaotic Seven were found alive but trapped by Esther Bitteroot, Kartalos, Ashara and Mevara began trying to weave their Dunamancy to free the group of adventurers but were ultimately unsuccessful. The trio of mages instead relegated themselves to focusing upon Ashara's condition and delaying it until such time that the Seven were free and able to help. The succeeded to a degree and they spent much of the time the seven were trapped on improving their abilities, with Kartalos now being as skilled if not more so than Numiner in weaving combat magic.   He stood alone against Mazerath after his fellow friends were out of the fight thanks to a potion brewed by his future self from his time with Future Sight. The Potion was meant as a last resort and Kartalos only drank half a dose when he stood on the precipice of Death and the second half when he once again stood upon the edge. When he drank the full potion he found his body healed, able to stand and his muscles which had long been under utilized bolstered to the point where he could match the decaying god. After he killed Ashara Andronas to spare her from the White Blight he clashed with Mazerath alone and made the God Kneel using his own Spell and forcing Mazerath to speak with the Chaotic Seven.   Following Mazerath's Banishment at the hands of Esther Bitteroot, Kartalos carried Ashara's staff back to the Moon Haven in a daze alongside his adoptive mother.   Kartalos has been in a much better overall mood since Ashe was brought back from the Hells. Both of his partners were concerned for him after his change into a Hellfire Wyrm but he has reassured them both that he will be fine, it will simply take time. The night Ashara was returned home the three of them were seen curled up together in their usual study, the first time any of them had properly slept since the Attack.   Kartalos joined the group to retrieve Elliot from Azazel and he has been the chief member of the group attempting to locate Elliot via magical means. His attempts have been met with limited success so far but he did manage to contact his adoptive brother once and speak with him briefly.

Gender Identity

While his humanoid form is undoubtably male, his draconic form is near wholly androgynous down to his voice which has a notable shift from his Humanoid form.   He is indifferent to what he is reffered to as.


Kartalos is Pansexual as most dragons are. With his new body he has been much more protective of his partners with his newfound physical strength. When Ashara was returned to the Keep he and Mevara arrived before anyone else, tackling the Tiefling before she had even had a chance to gain her bearings.


Taught Common and Draconic by his mother and taught himself Giant and Infernal.

Mental Trauma

In denial about his father's death and suffers from PTSD from the abuse he suffered while enslaved.

Intellectual Characteristics

An almost innate understanding of Magic is within him, he does not recall any particular moment where he "learned" how to perform magic, rather he experimented with a power he understood he possessed from a young age.


Kartalos Andronas


Towards Mevara




Towards Kartalos Andronas


Kartalos Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Orgos Andronas


Orgos Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Kartalos Andronas


Kartalos Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Ashlen Andronas


Ashlen Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Kartalos Andronas


Kartalos Andronas

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas



Ashara "Ashe" Andronas

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Kartalos Andronas




Following Ashe's arrival at the keep she often went to the Moon Haven to see both Alizain and Kartalos. She felt a sort of kinship with the two former slaves and discussed some topics she knew others who had not been subjected to the things they had would not understand. Over time Ashe became more and more interested in Arcane magic, disregarding her own innate magics in favor of the arts of study and dedication. She became Kartalos' rival and friend in study and along the way they became quite close. The duo were joined by Mevara when their siblings chose different disciplines to focus upon. In time she taught the duo what she had learned in her studies and the trio became a constant sight within the Moon Haven's libraries. When Vissera's Collection was added to the tower's collection the three of them made off with more than a few tomes of more forbidden or dangerous magical secrets, which they studied extensivley. Ashara became the first newly trained Chronurgist outside of the Magus ccouncil of Roseweald since before the Purge War and Kartalos has renewed the Art of Graviturgy from the annals of history, since none have been observed since long before the Purge War began. The three of them are very close these days and spend much time in each others company, though Ashara does return to her quarters within the Keep PRoper each night, barring the infrequent times the group falls asleep while researching. Other than Kenina, Kartalos and Mevara are the only two whom she allows to see her deepest scars. Ashara has been seen more and more frequently entering the Clearspring Bath house, specifically the steam rooms as a means of theraputic meditation, often accompanied by Kartalos as the heat and steam help soothe his own scars. Mevara cannot handle the heat the two of them can and often is found barring the door to prevent unwanted intrusion.

Nicknames & Petnames

Kartalos' Nicknames: Karty, Kartalos the Graviturgist (occasionally refers to himself as "The Unstoppable Cripple" much to Ashara and Mevara's horror)   Ashara's Nicknames: Ashe, Ashes, Spitfire, Ashara the Chronurgist, Ashara the Firebrand

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both of them, along with Mevara, are eager to learn and understand more of Magic and how it interacts with their world. The trio can often be seen together within the Moon Haven or at the Fel-Harmonic Festival. Almost always each of them carry various tomes of arcane lore or theory and they will practice spellcraft together or form their own theories.

Legal Status

Definitley not in arelationship

Kartalos Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Elliot Andronas


Elliot Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Kartalos Andronas


Kartalos Andronas


Towards Ashara "Ashe" Andronas


Ashara "Ashe" Andronas


Towards Kartalos Andronas


Kartalos Andronas


Towards Guildmaster Mevara Andronas

Guildmaster Mevara Andronas


Towards Kartalos Andronas

Class: Graviturgy Wizard
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
25th of Feyrune
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a hidden clutch of Eggs
The City of Brass
Parents (Adopting)
Mevara (Partner)
Orgos Andronas (Adoptive Brother)
Ashlen Andronas (Adoptive Sister)
Elliot Andronas (Adoptive Brother)
Masculine Presenting
Ember Red
Long Gray Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sun tanned
185 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Infernal and Giant.


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