Alizain Andronas

No, no, not quite like that. You don't want to copy my tune, you want it to be your own. What feels right in your heart. Find that rhythm and follow it. Alizain to her students

Professor Alizain Yevin Andronas (a.k.a. Ali)

Extremely young Red Dragon Slave from the City of Brass. She and her brother were purchased by the Chaotic Seven though their mother could not be saved.   Alizain was born into slavery in the City of Brass, and the sole survivor of her clutch of eggs, though unlike many tales within the city hers was not the direct fault of the Giants. Her mother was suffer from a disease known as Scaleblight at the time her clutch was laid and her broodmates were infected while she was spared, a common occurence for this disease. She was afflicted by Scaleblight in a minor infection and her constitution is somewhat weaker than would be expected of someone of her age and species, though she is still capable.   She has been raised to fear the Giants and expects to be punished even if she performs her tasks properly. She and her brother were used for labor at their former masters estate within the City of Brass, while in the evenings actins as "Living Decorations" for him at his many parties.   When her former master died her Father attempted to free his family and was killed in front of her, head severed from his neck. She is a quiet, obedient and withdrawn child.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to her extended stay in the Abyss and her indulgence in its activites, Alizain's body has taken on Demonic properties. While not a true Abyssal Dragon, the process had begun to change her and she will forever retain the physical changes, though the mental changes have already begun to fade.

Identifying Characteristics

Like most dragons she has horns in her Draconic form though in Alizain's case she retains horns in her humanoid form and her Draconic horns are twisted and split.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alizain was withdrawn when she arrived at Dragon's Claim Keep but was, slightly against her will, brought out to see the Keep by Mevara. The young Black Dragon helped her learn to fly and showered her with attention and the best pastries she could find within the Keep. She also introduced Alizain to the other children within the Keep, and Alizain took a particular shine to Siora and Onvyr Clearspring. While Alizain doesn't have the brains her brother does, she is quite the socializer, as she was able to distract the Kitchen staff while Siora and Onvy made off with a platter of desserts.   She is a natural at Bardic magics, which she has learned to great effect by spending time in the Fel Harmonic Festival and she has begun using them within the keep much to the dismay of many of the adults. Following several lectures from Numi she has reigned them in, though she and Ashlen have taken to either sneaking or charming their way into extra snacks.   Following her use of the Scrying Orb to communicate with her mother she has lost much of her energy and cheer, quietly studying and refusing to leave the Moon Haven aside from meals. Ashlen has taken to staying close to keep an eye on her and is doing her best to cheer up her partner in crime.   Alizain has been recovering from the encounter with her birth mother slowly but surely, with Ashlen's encouragement she has been working on her musical talents and has become far more skilled with her lyre, while she still lags behind the likes of Vella or Riona in terms of musical skill she has exceeded both of them in her practice of Bardic Magic. She has successfully cast the spell Suggestion on Atticus and Raphine, a feat that is impressive to most trained bards. She enjoys studying and practicing her magic with Numi or her adoptive sister.   One of her fellow practitioners of Bardic Magic, Siora Clearspring, has become a frequent companion to Alizain and Ashlen. While Ashlen enjoys the company of Siora well enough, Alizain will go out of her way to seek out the Tiefling or make any excuse to invite her along with them.   Alizain took Klexia's departure harder than her adopted siblings due to her last words to Klexia being confrontational and followed her mother's advice in being more direct with Siora. The Tiefling girl was happy to accept Alizain and the two began to be seen together as a couple shortly after the Chaotic Seven were confirmed frozen in time but alive by Numiner, Shizani and Esther.

Gender Identity

While she would assume a Male form to satisfy some of her clients at the Rose Petal Lounge, she detests doing so if she does not have to.


During her time at the Rose Petal Lounge Alizain discovered many things about herself, including her taste in others. While she serviced all manner of partners she realized that she only enjoyed the company of women, and among those only Siora truly brings out her passion.   (Demisexual)


Knows how to Read and Write, Draconic and Common with Some Giant, otherwise no true education.   She has picked up Bardic Magic with no formal education in the matter by mimicking the Fey within the Fel Harmonic festival and she has demonstrated a Silver Tongue even without the aid of magic.


Alizain serves as a Professor in Bardic Magic at the Moonhaven Magic Academy. She has several of the younger students in her class as well as some of her former coworkers from the Rose Petal Lounge.   She also owns and manages a Brothel within the bounds of the Keep and she ensures her employees are treated well.

Mental Trauma

Abused as a slave for nearly all of her life, watched her father die trying to free her, worries about her mother being seperated from her.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

To avoid the corruption that her job threatened to overtake her with during her time in the abyss, Alizain gave into physical vices in the form of Drinking, Smoking and indulgence with food. While she continues to try and correct this, it is no small feat to break an indulgence after 60 years of pouring oneself into it.


Social Aptitude

Alizain is extremely confident and self assured, to the point of arrogance. She is a smooth talker and easily among the most persuasive people within Dragon's Claim Keep due to her time at the Rose Petal Lounge. She has not lost her manners due to her time in the Abyss, in fact due to Rose's strict rules she often demands more manners and etiquette from her students than others.


Alizain Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Mevara



Adoptive Sibling

Towards Alizain Andronas


Alizain Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Orgos Andronas


Orgos Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Alizain Andronas


Alizain Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Ashlen Andronas


Ashlen Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Alizain Andronas


Alizain Andronas

Adoptive Sister

Towards Elliot Andronas


Elliot Andronas

Adoptive Brother

Towards Alizain Andronas


Siora Clearspring

Wife (Important)

Towards Alizain Andronas



Alizain Andronas

Wife (Important)

Towards Siora Clearspring



Class: College of Eloquence Bard
Date of Birth
2nd of Helsperin
Circumstances of Birth
Born among a clutch of eggs with Scaleblight
The City of Brass
Parents (Adopting)
Mevara (Adoptive Sibling)
Orgos Andronas (Adoptive Brother)
Ashlen Andronas (Adoptive Sister)
Elliot Andronas (Adoptive Brother)
Dull Gold
White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Skinned, Red Scales
5' 3"
105 lbs
Aligned Organization


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