Kasrag Malkith

I was alone for so long. Should anyone take her from me, I do not know that I could come back again.

Lord Kasrag Elkim Malkith (a.k.a. The Bloodied Blade)

A Fire Giant from the Ancient War of the Dragons. The Right hand of Helgart Unvag.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Prime Physical Condition he is among the absolute peak of Giant Warriors, surpassed by only Helgart Unvag and a select few ancient Dreadnoughts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kasrag was born during the Ancient War of the Dragons when the Giant Empire still lived. He was a loyal and skilled soldier and his deeds earned him the honor of Serving alongside the Fire Giant Archon, Helgart Unvag. Though Kasrag was far younger than Helgart, the two became Close Friends. As the War drew towards its end Kasrag married a Stone Giant Carver and the two settled into a comfortable family life. They had several children of both species of Giant and Kasrag has retired from battle to become a Smith.   When he was working within the final years of the War before the Cataclysm, The Great Wyrm Malsivir the Wretched, led an attack on his home to remove him as a threat. Kasrag survived but his home and family were in ruins after the battle. He took up his sword and Armor and commited himself to the Destruction of the Dragons. When the Cataclysm took place he followed Helgart alongside most of his kin to the Plane of Fire. He helped his people establish what would become The City of Brass and settled in as a Guard. After centuries upon centuries of battle he had slain more foes than even the most senior of the Giants, a monster upon the battlefield and a Stoic statue off of it. He drowned his misery in drink when there was not battle to be had and only at the insitence of Helgart did he get involved in business of any kind.   He joined the fledgling slave trade within the City as a wealthy and strong Slavemaster, and he felt the accomidations of the other Slavemasters were pitiful, his exact words being "If you are as wealthy as you say, then take pride in your merchandise." He grew a reputation for the greatest slaves within the market, well cared for and taught to behave respectfully towards their masters. When the Red Dragons arrived upon the Market, he did not participate in the poisoning of their minds as others did, and it cost him greatly. His Draconic Slaves were unruly and harmed their masters costing him both reputation and coin. As his business began to stagnate he resolved to do what he could, he bought and sold only second or third generation draconic slaves, as they were far more obedient. It was he who sold Rustean Aldlith to his fellow Slavemaster Jaran.   Within the last century, he has met a young Succubi descedant and married her as they joined as business and Life Partners.

Mental Trauma

He was a stoic emotional wreck after the deaths of his wife and Children and chose to vent this anger in combat and to drown it in drink. He has recently opened up and wed the young Succubi Sanguine.

Intellectual Characteristics

Many may assume he is very intelligent and they would be half right. He is not mathematically minded and is only skilled with physical objects and math that he can visualize easily, as such he has Sanguine manage the books for their business.


Karstag hates poor showmanship and ugly presentation, demonstrated by his great care for the slaves he sells. Since meeting Sanguine he has taken a much more proactive approach, choosing to not sell slaves to those he knows might abuse them, unless given an offer that is high enough that even Sanguine cannot justify not taking it.   He refuses to sell Children to abusive masters and will keep families together where possible.


Wealth & Financial state

Helgart is among the Wealthiest Giants in the City with an amassed fortune in the Tens of Millions of Gold. He maintains an estate with near two hundred Slave Servants that are all given luxury accomaditions and well cared for.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord, Battlemaster
Glowing Embers
Flowing Flames
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bright Red
22,000 lbs.


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