Nemri Duskborn

Vella has her songs, Jadyn has her drum and I have my sketchbook. I don't need magical drawings to be happy, just good company. And I think you fit nicely. - Nem to Meshier

Fel Heir Nemri Duskborn-Crisvin- Arterian (a.k.a. Nem)

A white Dragon who's egg was traded across the Black Market of the Planes for a Century before ending up in the hands of a retired adventurer who witnessed the boy's hatching and gave him to Quillima.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mostly Healthy, Time spent in the City of Brass has left his constitution worse for wear but it will recover with time.   In his humanoid Form he has the look of a Half-Elf.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nemri is slightly mentally deficient, his mind frayed by his extended time spent within his egg. He doesn't care to learn very well and views things in simple terms. He has gained a signigant instinct to Hoard and collect items after he was given some Gold by Quillima Duskborn. He does not like to share and he does not care to explain how or where he acquired his "hoard".

While he does not listen especially well he does learn, albeit in an indirect manner through observation and his own trial and error, rather than learning from being told. He enjoys the company of his Siblings and will show off his collection of Coins and other items to them.

It has been a long and difficult process to get Nemri to engage with something besides theft. He responded well to no ones teachings within the festival and he was often found elsewhere upon the grounds of Dragon's Claim Keep. He has taken a liking to the teachings of Janni Kessler and enjoy's her quiet but direct method of teaching. She has taken him on a few hunts when she goes to get food for the Keep. He has been learning beside the half orc Onvyr and the Beastkin Myara Lamplier. He enjoys their company and after spending time with them he has become more social with his sisters. Following a string of Growth spurts he has become capable of proper speech rather than his slightly hindered means of speaking previously.   In recent days, Nemri has been improving his skills by leaps and bounds. Where previously he struggled to keep up with his Sisters, he has since surpassed Jadyn and is capable of matching Vella in both physical and mental contests. While not musically inclined, he did ask for a Sketchbook from Nishi and his initial few sketches surprised her with their detail. He has been observed Sketching in the presence of Meshier and the two seem to enjoy the quiet of each others company.   They have become far more relaxed since Quillima quelled the raging Fel Rot inside of them and a Black Fel Crown now adorns their head. They have discovered since Quillima left and both Vella and Jadyn now spend much time outside the Festival, they have the same degree of control over the Festival as their Sisters and Mothers. While they have not made use of these abilites overmuch they do make liberal use of their ability to Teleport about the Keep, usually in the company of Meshier.   The Black Dragon and White Dragon have been near constant Companions since they first met and now both have taken up quiet creative hobbies. Nemri's sketches have improved by leaps and bounds and Meshier's Paintings have contained more color of late.

Gender Identity

Since spending time away from the crowds of the Festival and in the company of Meshier, Nemri has become far more fluid in their self expression. They tend to now assume a feminine form when at the Festival and aiding their Mother in matters involving it. While in this feminine form they prefer to be called Nem.   Outside of the Festival they tend to present more Androgynous, especially in Meshier's company.

When out hunting with Onvyr, Myara and Janni he assumes his usual Masculine appearance.


Jadyn Arterian


Towards Nemri Duskborn


Nemri Duskborn


Towards Jadyn Arterian


Nemri Duskborn


Towards Vella Duskborn


Vella Duskborn


Towards Nemri Duskborn


Class: Fey Wanderer Ranger
16 Years
Circumstances of Birth
Hatched after a Century of being traded, the maximum amount of Time a Hatchling can wait
Jadyn Arterian (Sibling)
Vella Duskborn (Sister)
Current Residence
The Fel-Harmonic Festival
Icy Blue/Forest Green
Fluffy Blonde Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Scales/Sun Tanned Skin
4'1" Hal Elf or 3'6" Dragon
90 lbs.


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