Nishilan Duskborn

My wife has a habit of disappearing. Unfortunately it happened at the worst possible time. She needs to talk to Jadyn. Well at least Vella and Nemri are happy. Now... how can I help Jadyn's mood....?

Fel Consort Nishilian Maleva Arterian (a.k.a. Nishi)

Adoptive Daughter of Ismera the Woodland Witch and Caspian Arterian and Wife of Fel Queen Quillima Duskborn.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A dragon who was once a moonstone Dragon but is now something more. Shortly before she hatched her nest was raided by a group of Winter Court Fey and her mother was either killed or driven from the nest with only Nishi's egg surviving. Her egg was recovered by a Young Caspian Arterian and brought before the Woodland Witch. The two worked together to save the egg as it was quickly deteriorating without its mother. Their process worked but changed the unhatched dragon from moonstone into something else, a green scaled dragon with horns of wood and a Fey Spirit.   She hatched as Nishi, to the Fey and Caspian she was seen as a child of their own. The trio were together only a short few months but in that time Nishi cared for both of her adoptive parents. When Caspian was called upon to become an Arcanist he promised them both he would return and the two waited and waited. When the Purge War began to consume the Material Plane, The Woodland Witch closed all the portals between the Mortal Realm and her own, placing both Nishi and a newborn Chillus Arterian in a state of suspended animation in a safe location within her realm. The Witch attempted to Locate the missing Caspian and eventually realized what had happened. In a fit of unbridled fury she let loose her rage upon those who had been encroaching upon her realm with the Feywild, ripping apart dozens of overconfident young Fey of both Courts who had been brazen in their claims.   She eventually released both Nishi and Chillus, who she split between his Fey and Human halves, placing his human side within the Roseweald Academy of Magic. Nishi grew quickly and while her mother refused to tell her what had become of her Father, the clever dragon put together the pieces and eventually left her mother's domain, as it had changed from warm and vibrant to dark and oppressive.   She has spent the last four thousand years traversing the Feywild, learning from the Fey and engaging in intrigue and Mischief. Until recently when a particularly powerful group of Fel creatures invaded the Realm of the Summer Court and infected the dragon. She returned to her mother's realm in search of aid...   In her time in the Festival she has become the de facto leader of the settlement as Quillima is often absent throughout the world on adventures. Nishi attends to the day to day affairs of both the Fel-Harmonic Festival and the Fel Wild at large. She is respected by most of the Arch Fel and is capable of driving off most of the threats to the Fel Wild on her own. She leaves lesser threats to Scadrag and for tasks of non vital importance she calls upon Mellos.   When not working or managing her children, Nishi can often be found within the Fel-Harmonic Festival as part of the shows. She enjoys acting or performing music for the crowds and she is fully capable of dazzling her audiences. While proficient in nearly all instruments to some degree she prefers her Violin above the others. She has performed duets with Vella and while her other two children do not enjoy the spotlight, she has taught both Nemri and Jadyn to some degree. Nemri has begun to play the pan pipes while Jadyn enjoys the simple percussion of drums.   Nishi cares deeply for her children but allows them their freedom and only worries if she has not heard from them in two days or more. She shares the strongest bond with Jadyn, who has expressed to her concerns about lacking strength to protect Nemri and Vella and other problems the young dragon feels in her heart. While Nishi is not a hardened warrior, she has taught Jadyn what she knows and hopes to see the young dragon blossom into their own when they are ready. She adores Vella and views the child as almost wholly self sufficient, though she does keep an ear out for any problems that Vella might be having. While not one of her own children, she cares for Nemri though she has trouble understanding him. It took her some time to realize that he enjoys the Quiet rather than the sounds of music and the other ambient sounds of the Festival. Now she knows to simply allow him to come and go as he pleases, asking only that he check in with her if he goes off on his own.   Following the imprisonment of The Chaotic Seven in the Shadowfel, Nishi attempted to aid Esther Bitteroot in freeing the trapped adventurers but was unable to break the wish that bound them. With that plan having failed she turned her attention to her children and the Fel Harmonic Festivalat large. She was able to hold the Festival together with her own power for a short while but without fully taking Quillima's title and power for herself she could not maintain it alone. All three of her children volunteered to help, taking on the burden of the Festival in turns. Nishi used this time to spend time with each of them, she has heard much of Acren from Vella and less of Meshier from Nemri but with Jadyn she used the time to try and understand her child's anger with Quillima. Nishi had had the events that occured on the deck of the Sun Skipper recounted to her by her mother in law, but could not understand why Jadyn was so angered by them, at least not why the anger was directed towards Quill.   Jadyn revealed to her that she believed Quillima would do the same to her given he chance and despite much reassurance that that was not the case, Jadyn's rage continued. Nishi has spent the intervening months attempting to placate Jadyn with little success. Otherwise she has had precious little time to herself what with maintaining the more formal elements of the Fel Harmonic Festival, keeping the people organized in such an extended absence of Quillima's has been a challenge but she has risen to meet the occasion.


Quillima Duskborn


Towards Nishilan Duskborn


Nishilan Duskborn


Towards Quillima Duskborn


Quillima Duskborn the Nightmare Queen


Towards Nishilan Duskborn

Nishilan Duskborn


Towards Quillima Duskborn the Nightmare Queen

Physically: 4,589 Chronologically: 12,128
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Scales, Fair Skin
5'10" or 50'8"
125 lbs or 40 tons


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