Princess Malia of the Frozen Heart

She is a Heartless Merchant but she follows every Law to the letter. I can't help it if she is driving people out of business, she isn't doing anything wrong. - Kenina Ashdew

Princess of the Winter Court, Malia Lasea Duskborn

Malia is the eldest child of Fey Queen Nem Duskborn and Meshier of the Winter Court. While technically the heir of the Winter Court of the Fey she spends the majority of her time in the Mortal Realm, running a business empire within the Nation of Dragonholme.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

While Malia is a Regal Dragon she is no traditional form of dragon, instead appearing to be a wholly new species defined by her connection to Fel Rot. Her Draconic Form bears her Father's Curse and her own innate connection to the Fel Rot and twists its form into a writhing abomination of decay and rot. She can hardly stand the form for its appearance alone, let alone the pain it inflicts upon her.

Special abilities

As the Heir of the Winter Court and a Winter Fel herself, Malia has a large degree of control over Ice and Frost. She has limited Cryokinesis and can generate limited amounts of Ice herself but she can manipulate existing material to a far larger degree.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Malia was born in the Mortal Realm, within the bounds of Dragonholme to her parents, Nem and Meshier Duskborn. She is a dragon who has taken her draconic form only a handful of times in her centuries of life due to the form's painful physicality and the unwanted attention it brings. Instead she maintains a cold, near emotionless state of indifference in her day to day life and focuses on her business ventures, which she uses to amass massive quantities of coin as she maintains a Hoard unlike most Regal Dragons.   She maintains a lucrative business empire based within Dragonholme that deals in production of everyday commodities and the transportation of said commodities. She is one of the only business people within Dragonholme to have the coin to maintain her own fleet of airships and has a private airship that she keeps for her own personal use or for use by her miniscule circle of friends. She is calm, collected and cunning in her business deals and while some whisper of foul play on her part, no evidence of any crime on her part has ever been brought forward. Most of those who speak such rumors are those she has run out of business.   Malia provides sponserships for adventurer groups and will, on rare occasions, make pacts with promising groups of adventurers to bestow them a measure of her own power. As a Regal Dragon and Archfel both she stands as one of the more dangerous denizens of Dragonholme but has never endangered the people of the Kingdom, indeed when repairs are needed or coin is required to reimburse the people of the Kingdom for damages, Malia is often among the first to supply such coin, but will always demand repayment. She has used this to gain control of no small amount of land, with several valleys within Dragonholme being under her ownership and the people who work them being under her employ in exchange for not being evicted.   While many assume she is a cruel mistress, she does not charge exorbitant prices for her services or support, merely exact repayment of the debt owed. She supplies those who work the land for her with food, water and other needed supplies and keeps them well guarded from outside threats, such as the more feral dragons of The Bleakstone Mountains. Those under her employ are aware of her reputation and often fear her rage but they are grateful for her support during hard times. Her fellow merchants despise her methods and have done their best to slander her name for it.   Despite her reputation and her generally emotionless attitude, rumors of her involvement with the Tiefling girl, Jinx Andronas, have come to light and the fact that the Hellion regularly visits Malia's Residence when in Dragonholme has inflamed the rumors. The most notable instance of these rumors was that Malia assumed her full Draconic Form to fly to Jinx's aid and defend her, alone. While the efficacy of these rumors remains subject to scrutiny, it is no secret that Malia remains a friend to the Andronas Family.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Malia has an obsessive need to remain clean and keep her appearance well maintained. While many have speculated as to why this is, some have pointed to the Grisly appearance of her Draconic form and put forward the idea that she is disgusted by her own appearance and wishes to remain in a form that does not reek of death and decay and regularly fall apart.


She Obsessively keeps herself clean. On a handful of occasions she has had wine or other items spilled upon her clothes and left the gathering to clean herself almost immediatley.


Malia's residence within Dragonholme is nestled into the shadow of the mountains of the Kingdom, in a spot that recieves notable amounts of sunlight only a handful of days of the year and spends the rest of its time in darkness. Her residence is noted to be colder than the surrounding area, barren of life except for a handful of trees she brought with her from her Mother's court and the servants that maintain it and most concerningly gives off an air of unnerving energy to any who enter it. Whether these effects are intentional or not is a matter of debate as both Malia and her servants seem unaffected by the off putting nature of her home.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Heartless Merchant
The Cold Queen of Coin
The Ice Queen
The Heartless Bitch (By a handful of her Competitors)
Winter Breeze (By Jinx Andronas)
The Regal Rot Dragon
The Decaying Queen
The Winter Dragon
Year of Birth
2324 EP 450 Years old
Pale Red
Waist Length Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Icy Blue
118 lbs.
Ziel Viendal, Goddess of Law


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