Queen of Ice, Nem Duskborn

I do not care for your petty squabbling. Have it out here and now and be done with it. I will tolerate no further conflict between members of my court.

Queen of the Winter Fey, Nemri Duskborn (a.k.a. Nem)

The Queen of the Winter Court of the Fey Realm, Nem Duskborn is a calm and collected individual alongside her partner and consort Meshier.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As Queen of the Winter Fey Nem has Cryokinesis and near absolute control over Ice and Frost while within her domain. Outside of her realm these powers are lessened and she relies more upon her skills with weapons and her own Draconic Abilities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nem Duskborn rose to the Seat of Fel Queen when the Queen of Air and Shadow fell and granted Quillima Duskborn her power. Nem took the position of Queen of Winter to ease the transition and found the Throne suited her rather well. When it came time for her to abdicate she was unsurprised to find the members of the Winter Court wished her to stay upon the throne as she brought about stability.   And thus has she ruled from her seat within the Winter Court, a seat of Death, Decay and Frost. She is powerful enough to defend her lands from the Eldest of the First World, with aid, and when the burdens of leadership become to much she returns to the mortal Kingdom of Dragonholme to act as the Gamewarden of the rural regions of the Kingdom as a way to keep her skills sharp and stay grounded within the world.

Gender Identity

Nem's gender is in flux depending on where they are. Within the Feywild she is Nem Duskborn, Fey Queen of Winter. But when out of her Fey Realm she is partial to her original name and face, that of Nemri Duskborn.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Since taking her throne, Nem has been observed by her family to have grown a near emotionless appearance. This is not any form of corruption or Fey influence but simply a matter of neccessity as her emotions trigger her powers over Ice and can cause damage if not kept in check. In the rare occasions she does show emotion it is almost always accompanied by anything from Snowfall to a Blizzard to Sharpened Spikes of Ice depending on the emotion she feels most strongly.


Queen of Ice, Nem Duskborn


Towards Prince of Rot, Meshier Duskborn

Prince of Rot, Meshier Duskborn


Towards Queen of Ice, Nem Duskborn

Divine Classification
Fel Queen
Year of Birth
2082 EP 692 Years old
Pale Red
145 lbs.


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