The Church of Rebirth

Through Destruction and Ruin, Life sprouts anew. Monsters and Storms will wipe clean the rot of stagnation and keep turning the wheel of Progress.

The Church of Rebirth follows Nalian Mar Cesier, Goddess of Storms and Gattaxus, Lord of the Depths


The Church of Rebirth offers little in terms of organization. The temples they consturct are usually maintained by a small group of followers, usually by those for whom travel is to burdensome, and they often act as safe havens for those deemed unpoleasant by society. Many of the Faithful of the Church are those who bear physical deformities or those who are outcast for being different.


The Church of Rebirth does not offer any judgement based on physical appearance or mental inadequacies, and as such many of the faithfl are those cast out by society, such as Tieflings, Changelings, Half Elves, Half Orcs and others of similar heritage.


The Gods of Rebirth do not demand traditional worship, instead asking their followers to push for progress.


To be a priest within the Church of Rebirth, one must oppose the stagnation of the world and the people within it. The Faithful preach forward progress, and threaten destruction if those who oppose progress get their way. Most of the Priests within Temples are either Elderly who have not lost their spark or those for whom travel is difficult.

Granted Divine Powers

While the Faithful are not granted powers apart from those normally possesed by Clerics and other divine Servants, their temples can be used as Gateways by Gattaxus. When the Temples are threatened, the pools of water within them can act as portal to allow the Monsters created by Gattaxus to come through and defend the faithful.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Church of Rebirth are often involved with politics to some degree as they push for progress in all facets of society.

Through Death and Destruction, Life forms anew.

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories