Gattaxus, Lord of the Depths

No, No, No. You were rotting upon the surface... You will be remade into something useful.

Lord of the Depths Gattaxus (a.k.a. Grandfather of Horror)

Gattaxus is the God of the Ocean Depths, When Nalian and her storms ravage the world above he collects the debris, the dead and dying and repurposes them into new creations. He and Nalian are paired deities and Gattaxus is feared by many, even within their own church. When dealing with mortals he takes the appearance fo a pale man in oceanic garb toting around a bag of discarded refuse.

Divine Domains

Gattaxus maintains power over the Divine Domains of Darkness, Death, Life, Water, Creation and Abomination.


Gattaxus bestows upon his most dedicated followers a relic of his mortal life, The Staff of Madness. It appears as a simple, if disturbingly designed, Quarterstaff that has random effects upon the world around it, including its wielder.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His true form is a terror inducing eldritch abomination, possessed of tentacles instead of legs and a variable amount of arms. His face is faceless mask of bone and within his hands he shapes flesh and debris into new life. His true form is massive, dwarfing even his wife and other gods. It is said his otherworldly appearance is due to his family before his ascension but little is known of him from that time.

Mental characteristics


While Gattaxus is the husband of Nalian, both are known to consort with mortals on occasion. Both seem to demonstrate no preference and their children display traits of both gods, regardless of which concieved them.

Intellectual Characteristics

While many view him as a Mad Deity, Gattaxus remains a brilliant creature. His ability to sculpt and reshape life has earned him horror and admiration from his fellow deities in equal measure. His creations are almost always monstrous but he will on occasion aid other deities in revival of servants or followers, reshaping them to better serve their purpose. Those reborn in this way are considered sacred to the Church of Rebirth and they will be watched over and protected by the faithful.

Morality & Philosophy

Gattaxus views the world as constantly shifting, changing and growing. To he and his Wife, the world must continue on and on. They abhor stagnation and decay and will root out sources of such. Gattaxus uses his monstrous creations to destroy that which resists his wife's storms and any who can withstand both are deemed fit to live in the world, until such time as they cannot continue to keep themseleves alive.


To persist beyond ones life and cling to the past is anethma to both Nalian and Gattaxus and the two will dispose of any in their faithful that break this rule.


Nalian Mar Cesier, Goddess of Storms


Towards Gattaxus, Lord of the Depths

Gattaxus, Lord of the Depths


Towards Nalian Mar Cesier, Goddess of Storms

Divine Classification
Chaotic Madness
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lord of the Depths
The Father of Monsters
The God of Dark Rebirth
The Flesh Sculptor
The God of Madness
Grandfather Grotesque
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
25 Tons
Ruled Locations

Articles under Gattaxus, Lord of the Depths


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