Naraxus mar Cesier (Nah-Rack-Sus Mah-Are Se-Share)

Mom and Dad can curse me for all I care. I refuse to leave her alone to that fire. I'll become whatever I have to, as long as it helps her.

Herald of Storms and the Depths Naraxus Void mar Cesier

Naraxus is a former Tiefling Genasi with a bright cheerful personality.   Following Fi-Yore's change into a Magma Efreeti, Naraxus called upon both of her parents to empower her to match the heat of the one she loved.

Physical Description

Body Features

While her title is the Herald of Storms, Naraxus leans much more towards her Father's power out of neccesity to counteract the heat of Fi-Yore's body. While the Elder Marid has command over the might of a storm it is her power of the Depths that is her true strength. With this power she has command of water and Ice, allowing her to channel freezing energies into her body and into the surrounding enviroment.   She most often uses this power to balance Fi-Yore's enregulated heat but she can lower her body to even lower temperatures, freezing the air around her and causing unprotected creatures to suffer frostbite.   When she accepted the position as Herald for both of her Parents, her body was dramatically changed. She lost her horns and tail and gained much more elven features as her mother possessed. When angered her emper can cause electrical buildup in the air around her and cause damage to the surrounding area.   Despite what many would think, Naraxus is by far the more Volatile of the two Genies, her power manifesting in destructive ways based on her emotions. Though with Fi-Yore in her presence the worst of her powers are often nullified.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised among the ships of the Silver Fleet, Naraxus loves the water she grew up in more than anything else besides her mother.   Having left the decks of the Silver Fleet behind her, Naraxus now enjoys her time spent at the Moon Haven. She can often be found assisting Tereen on the finer points of Pact Magic and acting as a self defense instructor for any students not well versed in combat spell craft. When not teaching, she prefers to study historical tomes and learn of the realms beyond the Plane of Water.   The rest of her time is spent in the company of Fi-Yore Eld and the two have now openly shown their relationship, strolling about the grounds of the Keep and whiling away hours together. While they do not often make an appearance at the Hammerfall arena, they are a fan favorite of the crowds as their abilities flow together beautifully and they complement each others weaknesses nearly flawlessly.   She visits her mother and Father in the Silver Fleet irregularly, to make sure they are getting along well and that the Fleet is not in need of aid.   With her parents now Ascended to Divinity, Naraxus does not care to visit the Silver Fleet with any frequency. She will ensure that they continue on but she does not dwell there often or overlong. She spends the majority of her time with her Love or teaching her students at the Moon Haven Academy. Her duties as Herald of both of her Parents matter little to her, she makes use of the powers granted to her to keep Fi-Yore's form stable and little else. Though when the Chaotic Seven are absent, she largely now acts as a Deterrent for enemies who would attack the Keep.


She had had several short lived relationships upon the Silver Fleet with both men and women but each ended poorly as they could not keep up with her. She has shown more dedication to Fi-Yore than all of her previous partners combined.


Naraxus was educated by her mother and other learned members of the Silver Fleet. As such her education has gaps in it but she is a bright and resourcful young woman who relies on her cleverness and wit.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

She Idolizes her mother and strives to emulate her as much as possible. This is one of the reasons she was sent away, to learn about other things.

Vices & Personality flaws

Very Naive, Naraxus has made many a bad deal without realizing it, escaping only by her supernatural good luck.


Fi-Yore Eld

Lover (Vital)

Towards Naraxus mar Cesier



Naraxus mar Cesier

Lover (Vital)

Towards Fi-Yore Eld




They began as rivals and polar opposites being the partial embodiements of Fire and Water, Fi-Yore being quick to anger and Naraxus turning anything she said back on her. They squabbled over petty subjects such as the nature of magic and what was more 'pure', the arcane elemental magic practiced by Naraxus or the Druidic Elemental Magic practiced by Fi-Yore.   As they argued and argued they began to give in to the others opinion slowly. They eventually settled on a happy middle ground, though they still have heated debates about the nature of that agreement. It was then that they began to grow closer, helping the other understand new ways to utilize their abilities. This closeness grew until they were together on the daily and while it is unknown who made the first move, it is known that shortly after they began this daily companionship they were often seen emerging from one or the other's room in the morning.   Following Fi-Yore's stay within the Volcanic Crater and her subsequent transformation, Naraxus has spent every moment she is not aiding Fi-Yore within both the Moonhaven and the Obsidian Atheneum, scrambling for any way to aid Fi-Yore. She has stated that if she cannot help her, she will change herself to balance out the Magma Genie.

Nicknames & Petnames

Naraxus refers to Fi-Yore affectionatley as "my Golden Bonfire".   Fi-Yore has been heard calling Naraxus "My starlight mirror"

Legal Status


Divine Classification
Divine Herald
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Looking for her Father
Date of Birth
18th of Everlan
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Nalian mer Cesier after a night spent with Gattaxus Void
The Silver Fleet
Fi-Yore Eld (Lover)
Gold White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
Nalian mer Cesier/Gattaxus Void
Aligned Organization


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