Xaelyn Ashdew-Teclis

I'll break whoever I have to if it means getting him back. I'll do whatever it takes.

Storm Angel, Xaelyn Elian Ashdew- Teclis (a.k.a. Zae)

A Young Angel born to Ari Ashdew, Xaelyn is a curious oddity among the denizens of Dragon's Claim Keep, as she does not show signs of fear only of curiosity.

Physical Description

Special abilities

She demonstrates traits from Atticus, not as a breath weapon but as an innate ability to command Lightning. Combined with her inherited ability to meld with shadows from Ari and she is very easily a threat to even experienced warriors. She has been taught to fight with both daggers and a Greatsword and she much prefers the sword.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Xaelyn was born to her "Mother" Ari Ashdew, and Atticus Teclis. She was a frightening child, unafraid of anything and curious beyond belief. She was a terror for her parents, inexperienced with children as they were. After her aunt returned and settled in at the keep for a time, Xaelyn became more manageable for a time, as she learned the tools of the trade for Thieves and Assassins. Then she put her new skills to work.   Xaelyn made friends with few of the Children at the keep, her cousins mostly as she developed a rivalry with Tali. As she grew she found herself more and more alone, with only her Fathers as company she attempted to make friends. Her unnerving presence proved a complication, though she did have some success when she met a crying Elliot Andronas in the Moon Haven Tower. As she attempted to find common Ground with him they were caught in a Haywire Spell from Ashara Ashdew that warped their bodies through time. While Elliot's body adjustedrather well, the experience left Xaelyn bedridden for a week, even with magical healing.   When she had recovered she adjusted rather well to her new body, even if her appetite has increased ten fold. She has access to her full abilites, including Ari's Abilities of Shadow Manipulation and Atticus' control and breath of Lightning. She trains her body alongside Elliot in the arena as the two learn of what they can do with the lingering effects of the Chronurgy Magic upon them. While fighting she makes use of heavier weapons than Ari but also has hidden blades attached to her arms.   She and Elliot are often seen together, bonding over their shared experience and engaging in other activites. Their favorite seems to be moonlight flights. Her fathers have been keeping an eye on the two of them, and have explained things to Xaelyn, and much to their surprise she was quite agreeable.   She and Elliot are frequent entries at the Hammerfall Arena and while their skills are still developing, when fighting together they can hold off much strong opponents such as Atticus. Their proudest victory was when they challenged Aryzen and fought the Mythril Dragon to a draw. Atticus has commended her for her prowess in battle, though he has made every effort to ensure she trains her mind as well, and Elliot is often dragged along to her lessons by the Old Blue Dragon.   When she first heard about Elliot's abduction she manifested a brilliant blue halo that brought down a storm upon Dragon's Claim Keep. While even the Archangels are unsure of how she has managed this, it is apparent that she possesses far more power than most. The summoned Storm was powerful enough to cause minor damage to the Keep, though she had no control over where the storm struck.   She was the first to join the retreival squad and the others have had to convince her to rest to keep her from pushing herself to the point of exhaustion. Regardless of this she remains a veritable one woman army and she wants nothing more than to free Elliot and return him to the Keep.


Zarya Ashdew


Towards Xaelyn Ashdew-Teclis


Xaelyn Ashdew-Teclis


Towards Zarya Ashdew


Avar Ashdew


Towards Xaelyn Ashdew-Teclis


Xaelyn Ashdew-Teclis


Towards Avar Ashdew


Xaelyn Ashdew-Teclis

Adoptive Sister

Towards Iaoel Ashdew


Iaoel Ashdew

Adoptive Brother

Towards Xaelyn Ashdew-Teclis


Class: Thief Rogue/Oath of the Watchers Paladin/Echo Knight Fighter
Divine Classification
Fallen Angel
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of Storm and Shadow
The Storm Caller
Chronologically 18, Biologically 27
Zarya Ashdew (Sister)
Avar Ashdew (Brother)
Iaoel Ashdew (Adoptive Brother)
Glowing Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
115 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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