Nergal Abisare

Nergal was an upper-lower class boy from Briareos, about 18 years of age, working odd jobs to support his Kaddite family. Despite his family’s long history with farming and his own experience with manual work, Nergal was unathletic and lethargic, more dexterous than brawny. What he lacked in power, though, he made up for in resilience, and was frequently seen with all manner of bandages and patches as testament to that. By nothing short of a miracle, one of his many odd jobs brought him into contact with Izavel Root crafting at an early age. This work escalated to the filling of arcurios, and became his most stable employment; when time ran short, he took to practicing it late into the night, so as not to squander the opportunity. Eventually, his skill rivaled that of a professional scale master. He was quick to downplay his ability, which often backfired on the older, richer rivals it was supposed to appease—“how dare this wretched upstart imply my work could be replicated by such crass methods!” This unwanted rivalry and a feeling of unworthiness made him somewhat frightened of Cridala Cove.

Nergal had a bottomless stomach and a sensitive tongue, but rarely got to indulge it; not only for lack of coin, but due to his tragically sharp sense of duty that often compelled him to sacrifice and give to others what he would have liked to keep for himself. He was more than happy to eat the “lower quality” food his family could afford, but his ability to pinpoint the subtle, finer qualities in it imply he would have loved to explore the many other corners of the culinary world. His parents believed he could have been a fancy chef, in another life.


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