The Kadite Council


The Kadite Council is an organization composed of the most powerful leaders within the Kada  faith community. With six members total, one from each of the six Kada kingdoms within Tel Rialis, the council makes important decisions regarding the religion of Kada and its followers.  
The council meets at The Profeta Temple in Domina’s capital city Malva. Domina is the center most region throughout the six total kingdoms, making it the ideal spot for all of the kingdoms to unite as one. The meeting occurs at the start of the new calendar year, in order to plan for the year ahead.  


To send off their leaders with wishes of safe travel, citizens will present offerings and pray upon Idols of Kada Gods  to praise their kingdom’s God. Members of the council will also wear sacred garments that showcase their kingdom’s unique colors.  
  • Ahumm : Grey and red garments, and bull idols
  • Briareos : Brown and green garments, and shepard dog idols
  • Pastoralis Region : Purple garments and wolf idols
  • Malagra : Royal blue and gold garments, and eagle idols
  • Egrecia, the Region : White garments, and heron idols
  • Domína : Turquoise garments, and tortoise idols

    During The Meeting

    The council discusses any major troubles or successes that have occurred within their respective kingdoms during the previous year. After all events have been noted, the council members engage in a thankful prayer to the gods for all of the success they have bestowed upon them last year. They then follow with another prayer asking the deities to bring them peace and prosperity as to avoid troubles in the year to come. The annual meeting is also considered a retreat for the council members. The members take the time to reflect in solitude as a way to cleanse their souls. The main goal is for them to better themselves as leaders for their people and reconnect with their faith.  

    About The Leaders

    The representatives are elected by the civilians of their respected region. Only priests who have been practicing for at least ten years can qualify to be elected as a council member. Under the council members, there are multiple practicing priests who give their life to Kada . There are meetings only between the priests within their respective regions, this allows them to meet more frequently, and give their full attention to surviving their fellow followers.  

    The Annual Festival

    The Annual Festival of Domina commemorates the meeting of the council members. Some civilians from all of the Kada kingdoms make the journey to Domina to celebrate the start of a new year, and to honor the work and dedication of the council members. The festival takes place on the day of the member’s arrival into Domina, it includes parades and the lighting of lanterns that are sent into the sky.  
    Once the council members have returned to their home region, they report back to their priests on their experience. In each of the capital cities of all six kingdoms, the council members will personally give a religious service to share with the followers the experience they had, and the subordinate priests are asked to give the same message across all temples of worship throughout the kingdom.


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