BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Filthy Wretch

Orignale Back story prompt "The oldest memory that this little halfling remembers was shaking what he thought was his parents. They had starved to death apparently, knowing what he knew now. He would have starved himself if it wasn’t for an old beggar woman who kind of took him in. She was loving an always called him ‘little one’ showing him tricks to survived. When he started to talk was about the time that the old woman died leaving him alone once more. The woman always wore a braided iron bracelet that didn’t seem valuable, but it meant a lot to her so the little halfling took it to always remember her. As he grew up life was always hard for him, but being the littlest had its advantages. Most didn’t ever see him, while others beat him if he was caught. Many nights his belly was empty, while he squeezed into tight places where no one would be able to reach him, but he survived somehow. As years went on, he learned new tricks and eventually had a name given to him. It probably wasn’t the best of names, but everyone seems to call him by it, so it stuck to him. One older fellow, a kind man, would always leave a fresh baked bread in the window for him every morning. When he would grab it every morning the man would be shouting at him, “Filthy Wretch” and waving. Sure, his hand didn’t have his fingers extended, but hey maybe it was his way of waving and greetings, the halfling didn’t know. The halfling would always take a big bite and wave back to let the nice man know how good it was.   As the years went by the halfling did bigger risks and it didn’t always work. Then one day something went horribly wrong. One of his many nice friends ended up attacking him without a reason. It left the halfling in a lot of pain and unable to really move around to even survive. He ended up crawling into a hole waiting to die, all alone. As he sat there shivering and his stomach growling, barely hanging onto consciousness, a strange ball of light glowed in front of his eyes. As his eyes widened, he could hear a voice. It promised to help him and made him feel warm inside. As he nodded the light faded away and a small mouse was sitting on a piece of cheese looking at him a few feet away. As he blinked at it the mouse hopped down and pushed the cheese closer to him. This happened day after day. The little mouse would bring him something to eat or a small cup of water to drink, how the little guy got it he had no idea. After that the two of them were always with each other. The halfling decided to call the little mouse Lucky and placed the braided iron bracelet on him like a collar.   Ever since the day the halfling saw that warmth giving light everything had changed. He sometimes thought he dreamed of the light talking to him in his sleep. He found that he had strange new powers and decided that he was done with living on the streets. He pick up lucky, pulled on his mismatched pair of shoes and was going to go on an adventure and change his life… Someday… he wouldn’t be Filthy Wretch… he would be Filthy Rich."

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Personality Traits
  • I like to squeeze into small places where no one else can get to me.
  • People. I help the people who help me — that’s what keeps us alive. (Neutral)
  • I owe a debt I can never repay to the person who took pity on me.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Flaws People who can’t take care of themselves get what they deserve.


Hobbies & Pets

Lucky (Mouse)
Dirty Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brownish Red
4'0ft (Size Small)


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