Knick Knack
- Portabella The Shroom Mother
- Count Elijah
- Zelphira Marblehelm
- Alvera Siarlenfel
- Baergrim Thundershield
- Lulen Yaeldrin
- Herry Potter
- Samuel
- Tok
- Ruf-Tuk
- phill of loki
- Illya Siltveil
After the party harrased sevrale merchens including a young elven girl, bought sevrale items and made a deal with a shadey Gnome, they retuned to the Elven Camp of The Lightless Children of Sera to rest and regroup.
After returning to the Elven Camp of The Lightless Children of Sera, The party Aside from lulen Got provisnale meals from the elves as Knick Knack became fasnated by the spiders. This led to Irros Oakshade telling them to shot Knick with a web and knick redirecting it at Irros to witch he telported out of the way. Meanwhile after walking up Hansho got into the spider pine and casused a gaint spider to get angrey and attack him to witch Irros steped in to save the dragonbon as he fell face first into the ground tied up by webbing. Herry Potter is feeding the spiders potato skins.
After The Party's efforts to regroup and now prepare to confront O'lrog in extange for passige to Del Thro'n after the Sige on Town of Dorven. The party rests for the night in the Elven Camp belonging to The Lightless Children of Sera at the gates of The Hold of TrogFall.