BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Irros Oakshade

Orignale Charter Backstory Prompt;
"Irros grew up in the Shadowfell with the lightless children of seraness. The circle told him that they had found him abandoned in a forest, so he never knew his parents. Which didn't bother him much because the circle was his family. They taught him, fed him, and looked after his general well being. Archdruid Zemron and a few others always told Irros of the material plane, and he found it fascinating. Hearing of all these animals and different flora and fauna set a thought in Irros's mind that he would keep with him forever, he wanted to explore this world and see it with his own eyes. He looked up to Zemron as a father figure, so when he overheard him talking about a quarterstaff that a previous Archdruid had lost in a fight while exploring the material plane. He made it his goal to find this relic and one day bring it back to his people. As time went on where they lived became inhospitable and the circle decided to find a way to move to the material plane. After much hardship they finally found a portal taking them there, but where they ended up was far from the beauty Irros had heard about as a child. He would learn this place is called the underdark, and it housed many horrors including a race of elves that looked much like them called the drow. Unlike his circle however these elves weren't nice; until they found there way to the overworld they had to deal with constant harassment from the Drow and many terrors of the underdark. When they finally reached the overworld Irros was in awe of how beautiful everything was, and he made up his mind then and there that he wanted to see everything this world had to offer. While out looking for herbs and ingredients for potions Irros ran across an injured animal. He had heard of this animal before but never seen one he thought he remembered someone calling it a weasel. He took this animal back to camp and worked on nursing it back to health. After it healed he tried to return it to the wild, but it kept coming back day after day. After a week or so of this he decided to keep him and named him Wes, he has been with Irros ever since. Irros being a very optimistic and cheerful young man by elf standards he didn't truly understand the cruelty of this world. When his circle stumbled upon a dwarven city being raided by these lizard looking creatures his circle decided to help. They would help heal and repair the city and learned these creatures are called dragonborn and they hated the other mortal races. Irros didn't understand this word coming from the upbringing he had he only knew love, kindness, honesty, and the like. A dreadful thought entered Irros's mind at that moment. Yes this world had beauty but he was going to have to learn about the ugliness that came with it as well, and he wasn't sure if he liked that or quite understood what that meant yet. He would much prefer to have a peaceful world where he could stay naive to horrors of war."  

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Personality Traits;
  • Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.
  • Tradition.The ancient traditions of worship and sacrifice must be preserved and upheld. (Lawful)
  • I would die to recover an ancient relic of my faith that was lost long ago.


Enameies, Any who would threaten the sanctity of the forest or my friends. Chaos and those who sew discord in the cycle.

Personality Characteristics


To Experance all the metieral plane

Vices & Personality flaws

  • My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith in my god.


Hobbies & Pets

pet weasel named Wes
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Traveling to see the world.
Parents (Adopting)
Glowing Violet w/ Golden Streaks
Long Raven Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Alabaster (Off-White)
6ft (Size Medium)
Seraness, Aiser-Wolf of the Fertile Harvest.
Aligned Organization

Articles under Irros Oakshade


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