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Legion of Throth

located in Elevras this is a group of sorcerers dedicated to awakening more sorcerers in all manner of beings. they send out groups of four to find children with talents and abilities and them back to train them. they are an order of knights and they train for combat with sorcery. they are loyal to the king of Elevras, but they hire out platoons of battle sorcerers to other princes as needed.  


The Legion is led by The Arch Mage and Knight Marshal of the order. This puts the leader squarely in charge of both the magi and the military elements of the order. The Arch Mage and Knight Marshal has a castle near Elevars and a large school and training estate. Each chapter house has an office and staff that disseminate the edicts and commands of the Legion.   There are 8 chapter houses and each one is led by either an Magi or a Knight Commander. Each chapter house is organized the same way with using a castle as a metaphor for the order. Each Chapter House has "A wall" which are the lowest foot soldiers, staff and knightly pages.   Then there are five "Towers" these are the main elements that contain the knights in the field. Each tower is lead by a Knight Captain. Under them are Knights and Squires. These form the combat units and they are designed to fight independently or with the other 5 towers. The wall is a pool of footmen to support their efforts.   Finally there is "the Keep" which is the main command and financial structure. This is lead by the Magi or Knight Commander of the Chapter house. Towers and walls will recruit as needed to fill the ranks with non-magical support locally.


The Legion are a knightly order of sorcerers. They may lack the armor but these are trained warriors who unleash magic at enemies. They also have the kind of mounted heavy armored knights as well. They work interdependently in combat to protect cities and towns from enemies and monsters.   They find and train sorcerers, starting with children and young adults. These are trained back the main headquarters in Elevars. Those that graduate are placed in a chapter house and from there assigned to a tower, keep or wall.   They are trained to respect magic and use it to protect the Arolend citizenry, to keep soki armies at bay and monsters in check. They are told they are heroes and civic leaders. the courtly chivalry is hammered into them so they are well mannered in all situations.

Public Agenda

The legion unlike the Vine is less xenophobic and will take foreign recruits looking for joining a knightly order or to hone their sorcery. The common folk know of rumors of the vine's dark side, where as the legion never takes tribute or money from traders or travelers. They are paid directly by the king, princes and villages and will not pillage or look for bribes.   The Legion is also looking for families to offer up their children for a better life as sorcerers for hire rather than as strange outcasts.


Formed in 1106 for the defense of Elevars during a war with the Soki and raids by Gith and threatened by Hobgoblin legions it was dire for the city. Fortunately a party of fighters and sorcerers where able to drive back these marauders and save the region from their campaigns. Afterwards they decided to found a school and knightly order to continue to make sure the region could be protected. Named after the king who sponsored its foundation ,Throth, he also granted lands and titles to the order as a reward.   For the next four thousand years it has existed and in some times been as powerful as the king other times a shadow of it's self. It how ever endures and continues to hold fast.


Chapter houses:   Red Claw   Dragon's Tooth   Shield of Heart   Elevar Lancers   Lion Heart   Dragon's Tail   Unicorn   Spirit Snake   Each Tower of the chapter house is around 16 to 20 knights and 4 to 12 sorcerers, and each wall may have at least 200 fighters and could in a pinch hire more. Generally they assign a number of knights to a mission or quest then they pick up a group of wall for support as needed. Only in dire situations does "The whole castle march", and when they do it is impressive.

Technological Level

The Legion will employ some ancient cyphers and relics if available, but they're philosophically opposed to reliance on them. They will hire Nemuriamancers when needed but generally don't have them in their ranks. Though technological monsters and villains can be a threat, they would rather use their magic to defeat them.   Some chapter houses that are engaged in more mundane security tasks will arm their Wall troops with guns to provide covering fire, but they don't rely on them to turn the tide of battle.

Foreign Relations

This group has been used to fight Soki invasions, but also hunt and destroy abominations that threaten both Soki and Arolend lands. As such the Soki have respect for them but not a lot of love.   The dragonborn have honored them in the past as friends as they have appeared to fight monsters, war lords and other menaces that also threaten them. Many dragonborn sorcerers have joined the legion to hone their magic and return to the clans to become valuable asset and leaders.


The Sorcery is taught in what are known as clusters. there is no grade but each cluster focuses on an aspect of magic or manipulating magic. As sorcery is individual to each student some will gain valuable knowledge from a cluster and other will not. Each cluster is mandatory for 5 weeks then each individual student can stay or go find a different cluster to try and learn from. Eventually over the years they will find their place. They are also taught basic combat skills in each cluster, how to take the essence of the magic then bend it to combat.   At a certain point the sorcerer believes they should graduate. They are tested by all of the masters of the school and then recommend promotion to the Arch Magi and Knight Marshal. On each solstice they will review the latest graduate contenders and approve or reject their graduation. It is not unusual for multiple attempts to graduate.   Once they graduate they are sent to a Chapter House and put in one of the towers as an Squire to one of the knights. From here they follow the knightly rules of promotion.   The knights are trained in a more organized fashion. Knight candidates are assigned to The Wall as Pages. Those pages have extra organizational duties around the castle and are given more and more responsibility they prove themselves and are promoted to Squire. Pages that don't quite workout may be given over and made arms men or other support staff. Most who don't graduate to squire will often leave on their own accord.   Squires are like the middle managers of The Wall, they are in charge of specific day to day duties and making sure training and maintenance are performed. They also begin combat training with martial weapons and combat maneuvers, horsemanship and courtly order. Those that prove themselves are then assigned to a Tower to serve.   When they join the tower they are apprenticed to a Knight to be both their servant and serve in battle. Should they prove themselves as an able and independent warrior who can demonstrate both the combat savvy but the courtly savvy as well may be promoted to knight.   Only the truly elite will become Knights that join the Keep, or those with extremely specialized skills the order needs. A chapter house continues the education of their knights in arts, letters, philosophical sciences and magic. All of the chapter houses have extensive libraries of journals from their legion, some are collected into related books if there was a great quest they authors were involved in.

Fortress of heart, Castle of soul, Bastion of body

Founding Date
Education, Magic
Training Level
Veterancy Level
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