Epítropi gia Agrum Organization in Aluth | World Anvil
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Epítropi gia Agrum

Epítropi gia Agrum is the governmental body that oversees the continental provinces of Provecta, and is held in Bysos.
  The Epítropi gia Agrum is in session from the start of May to the end of August each year. While each province has an election every twelve years, one province always has an election at the same time as another, and is staggered from the previous and next by four years. This allows for a pair of elections to happen every four years. There is no term-limit for Epítropos but they must be a human-equivalent of at least 22 years old and pass yearly tests of varying subjects.

The current Epítropos are as follows:

Evolve and Adapt

Governmental, Department
Alternative Names
Commision for Agrum
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Parent Organization

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