Provectan Armed Forces Organization in Aluth | World Anvil
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Provectan Armed Forces

The Provectan Monarch is the commander-in-chief of the Provectan Armed Forces and chooses a Plyy's Magistrate of Military Affairs and Propagator of Strength to command the Armed Forces in their name.


While the Provectan Monarch is the commander-in-chief of the Provectan Armed Forces, currently Maa-Khojin Kellellis, they bestow a high ranking member of the armed forces the title of Plyy's Magistrate of Military Affairs and Propagator of Strength. They are given the duty to oversee and lead the armed forces in the name of the Monarch with the goal to propegate Provecta's domain.


The Provectan Armed Forces carries unrivaled hegemony over Aluth due to its extreme technological advantage as well as it's soldiers having unparalleled discipline and obedience to higher ranked officers. The Provectan Monarchy keeps its personel, budget, and assets under extreme secrecy, and as such the exact number is unknown.
Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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