Plyy's Magistrate of Military Affairs and Propagator of Strength Rank/Title in Aluth | World Anvil
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Plyy's Magistrate of Military Affairs and Propagator of Strength

Plyy's Magistrate of Military Affairs and Propagator of Strength (P.M.M.A.P.S.) is the field marshal of the Provectan Armed Forces. The current P.M.M.A.P.S. is Iliyas Zhandos, who has held the rank for 33 years.


P.M.M.A.P.S. is appointed by the Provectan Monarch.


Plyy's Magistrate of Military Affairs and Propagator of Strength is entrusted with upholding the morals and virtues of the Ecclesia PlyydricProvecta, and the Provectan Monarch.


Plyy's Magistrate of Military Affairs and Propagator of Strength directly controls and oversees the affairs of the Provectan Armed Forces. Tasks that fall under their purview can involve but are not limited to the following:
  • Establish a robust hierarchy of Officers, Colonels, and Generals to lead the enlisted ranks.
  • Lead and fund reasearch and development of military technologies and advancements.
  • Overseeing the planning, organization, and execution of army operations and tasks at the highest level.
  • Work alongside the Provectan Monarch and the Nuncio to craft and curate two elite, highly knowledgable task forces: Py's Agency for Lands Abroad and Ly's Aegis of Provectan Auspices .

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

P.M.M.A.P.S. can be dismissed whenever the Provectan Monarch wishes and does not need to be given a reason for the dismissal If no reason is given, and the Nuncio had not requested their dismissal, they are given a severence of land and financial benefits. The Nuncio can request their dismissal at any time, which must be public and accompanied with a reason that is backed by data.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
Their Magistrate
Alternative Naming
Source of Authority
Current Holders
Reports directly to
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