
The Dorhites are a Hatilan people that adapted to living in the desert. While they are still considered to be Hatilans, they developed their own unique cultural traits and dialect. They have been forced out of their home lands twice throughout their history. Nowadays, most of them live in the city-state of Ellipereos.  

Founding Dorhas

Over 2.000 years ago a war raged on Alvunne Continent, the The First Schism. It was a bloody military conflict resulting in much loss of life and destruction.   In an attempt to end it, the then Dassaï Archage used all his power and might to conjure the Scraping Mountains up from out of the depths of Alvunne. Sadly, this only slowed down the war effort and it raged on for several more years.   This new mountain range divided Alvunne Continent into 2 distinct parts. The water cycle that used to include the west was now blocked by the mountains, which caused rainfall to stop. The area dried up, slowly turning into a desert.   Its people saw their homelands change and some banded together while others moved elsewhere. The Dorhites were a recourseful collective that founded the city-state of Dorhas. They were a proud city-state with significant power in the whole of West Alvunne.  

Dorhas crumbles

But over time, the western part of Alvunne was completely consumed by the desert. Harvests failed, resources became inaccessible and former Dorhites moved away. This process isolated the city-state from the rest of the Continent. After hundreds of years of slow decline, the city-state practically became a ghost town.   Most of the Dorhites left during the Dorhite Exodus. They traveled along the foot of the Scraping Mountains through the Pass to reach Ellipereos. Even though the Dorhites were welcomed by the Elliperean government and queen, local inhabitants proved to be rather challenging.   Dorhas is left a ruin, overrun with Little Reapers. Only a few pockets of habitation were left. It remains, however, an inspiring place and still occasionally attracts curious adventurours.  

The Dorhites in Ellipereos

These days, most Dorhites in Ellipereos are fifth or sixth generation and have aqcuired full Ellipereos citizenship. Many Dorhite descendants are still proud of their heritage and this reflects in the way they dress, talk and behave. Meanwhile, the Ellipereans have accepted their presence and even found their broad brimmed hats to be a perfect way to shield their face from the sun.


Major language groups and dialects

They speak a Hatilan dialect.

Common Dress code

Their clothing is adapted to living in a desert; various bright colours, loose sleeves and a long skirt. Many Dorhites also wear a broad brimmed hat coloured to resemble bright sandstone to protect them from direct sunlight.

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